Indoor male advice


Well-Known Member
So I'm at the point where I need to produce my own seeds, I've been reading about it for a while but still need some advice..

I have two males sitting on my porch, in the shade, and don't look great. They are obviously stretching and I feel they will decline if I leave them there, especially with the weather.

I want to keep them in a separate room in my house, I don't have have central AC and the vent in the veg/flower bedroom is cut off either way... Obviously my main worry is rogue pollen and know that pollen can get on your clothing and there's the airflow I have to consider. Any suggestions on what measure i should take?

Also, if you can give me suggestions on what type of bag I should use to pollinate the females, I was thinking about getting a plastic bag and collecting it in the bag, and then putting the bag on the desired pistillate branch, would a zip-lock work?

+rep for valuable insight


Well-Known Member
Just try to limit visits between the opposing sexes to different days and showers in between. Im sure you know not to vent one to the other, as well the intake should be separate.

But yes, it can get on your cloths, in your hair, under your nails, etc. For the most part just treat it like your visiting a sick person.

And about storage... not sure. i would say a heavy ziplog bag. Possibly keep it in the fridge, but not sure on that.


Well-Known Member
just harvest the pollen and store in the freezer/fridge. in the fridge i heard its good for a week or so. and in the freezer it can be good up to 6months. just collect the pollen (you dont really need that much) a gram of pollen can produce hundreds of seeds. and store it. when your females are ready pollenate chosen buds by getting a sterile paintbrush and dabbing it into the pollen and wiping it over the hairs. hope this helps.

oh and males will only need 3-6hrs of sun to keep them adequately healthy for you to harvest pollen.


Weed Modifier
If you are planing on collection pollen then you have to make sure they are in a sealed room, or they will get all your girls prego! Imo the best way to collect the pollen would be when you have no flowering females at all! And you are right about the pollen getting on your closes and will carry on the air too! I would put the pollen in a film container to make sure none gets free.

Then the room that you have flowered the males must be completely stripped and everything must be cleaned out spotless!

Then when you go to transfer the pollen to your desired branch use a paint brush to dip in the film container and brush on the desired branch....and don't sneeze either!!! I wouldn't use the bag to collectand then transfer to the plant as the pollen will go everywhere! and I don't think that you want all you girls prego! Hope I helped somewhat?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick responses! I might leave one outside just as an experiment, and keep one under a t5 in another room, I guess I'll visit the one in the room infrequently and I'll be naked haha so I can just shower afterwards


Well-Known Member
If you are planing on collection pollen then you have to make sure they are in a sealed room, or they will get all your girls prego! Imo the best way to collect the pollen would be when you have no flowering females at all!
Good point, I bet that's the safest way but I've got a perpetual setup so I always have females!

+rep to you three! thanks


Weed Modifier
Then I would pick one female to put in the sealed room with the male .....that way it is only one plant that will get pregnant! Not all !!! Good luck buddy and thanks for the +rep:bigjoint: