Indoor Moon Lit Buds

Hi last acouple nights the Moon lit up my grow room, no other light comes threw, anyway will the buds react any differnet? also a hour later i carefully went into the room when the light was off an monitored the moon coming threw, 1 hour full moon threw the window, 2nd hour the moon was half as bright it had moved, 3rd hour s was blackness again. mind you the light cycle was off dureing both nights
Why not just black out the windows in the grow room?

This is me assuming your grow room is dedicated to growing weed.

Also I don't have a fucking clue as to what the answer is you seek.

My outdoor plants don't mind moonlight. But yet a blinking red light will fuck up my plants indoors. So yea.... fuck if I know.
i belive the moon gives off it own light my tent had a bad zipper so for like 4 days i wrapped the skelton in mylar till i could get another tent the Clones havent seen a moon light in never actually they were started an have been growing for many generations, anyway its kinda weird that light was in the room, i will let the tread know tommarow when the light comes on if they look any shocked from the past 4 nights with no tent covering
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It won’t affect outdoor plants because it’s use to the almighty sun so moonlight is nothing compared to it. Indoor I’m not sure, but I know for a fact you’re lights ain’t as strong as the sun
I've never had an issue with a little light during the lights off period.
And moon light won't hurt you. Just put a shade on the window if you are worried. It will be fine.
Doesn't take much light to fuck a flowering plant and make it herm or reveg, strain dependant ofcourse.

Don't think moonlight will do anything negative though.
Doesn't take much light to fuck a flowering plant and make it herm or reveg, strain dependant ofcourse.

Don't think moonlight will do anything negative though.
Yeah I didn't mean, a little light on constantly, indoors. What I meant was, short exposures. long ones wouldn't be beneficial in flower. lol. Although even with a few light leaks that happened a few times,, I've still (knock on wood) never had a hermaphrodite inside. Heck, the only ones I have had outside were a couple plants from strains that were prone to it anyway. And the only time I've ever had a plant reveg was when I wanted to keep it for another run after harvesting. But definitely avoid interrupting their sleep as much as possible.
And back to the moon....
My God does a plant in full bloom look amazing underneath the October moonlight! Sorry just high and looking forward to next season's harvest already.
Good luck friends!
He’s asking if the moonlight coming into his window and presumably the tent vents will make his plants go back to veg.....

it’s a valid question but the way he worded it like an 8th grader didn’t help.

good question OP and I don’t know the answer. Short solution is to put a curtain up...
I grow in a backyard with a streetlight shining in. Plus a porch light on a timer. Never an issue.
7 footers flowering and finishing.
I've had my plants begin to reveg. I had to move them to stop it. My buddy's plant wouldn't flower because of it. Again needed to move it.

I have 2 lamps shinning into my yard. I have one specific spot where I get no trouble.
I've had my plants begin to reveg. I had to move them to stop it. My buddy's plant wouldn't flower because of it. Again needed to move it.

I have 2 lamps shinning into my yard. I have one specific spot where I get no trouble.
That's weird, but it could be how the plants are raised.
Mine start in that environment from seed and grow in it throughout.
I can see cannabis reacting to a change in the environment such as moving them outdoors or different spots.
But yeah, they can be finnicky from time to time.
I still don't think moonlight coming in a window is going to do anything to the OPs plants.
