Indoor Newb, I need help :(

Hello fellow forum members,

I come before you more experienced green thumbs with a bit of confusion. I am hoping maybe some of you may be able to clear it up for me.

Potential Grow room and supplies.

1.) closet (9ft H X 4ft W X 2.5ft D)
2.) T5HO 6 bulb (squeezes in so perfect with no extra room)
3.) GHS "The Church" X 10 Fem. seeds
4.) 12" oscillating fan

Bonus Items (stuff I may add, depending on your replies)

1.) 5000 BTU A/C (to lower temps obviously)
2.) 4ftX4ftX2ft "Mother keeper" grow tent ( considering this to prevent light leaks at stupid early times in the morning... would Hate for a neighbor to be up at 5am)

Ok now that you know what im working with maybe you can help me figure out this little dilemma I am struggling with. After much reading I am to understand that 75-78 F with a humidity between 40 - 60 % humidity is what the ideal conditions are. In my closet with a fan blowing the temperature usually spans 82-84 F on average, however with the fan turned off it peaks at 86 F, the Humidity maintains between 37 and 42. are the conditions that I am planning on growing in good for plant growth? will they be stressed due to climate?

I have read several different "opinions" that anything over 80F is bad, yet the grow bible says anything 75-85 is within perfect range. So I'm a bit confused. Again will 82-84 F with humidity around 37-40% be "ideal" ish temps? or will it hurt the growth rate of my plants in veg state? This closet will only be used for veg, no bloom, that will be done elsewhere.

Thanks in advance


Active Member
you should be right with that temp no worries, the plants always adapt to their environment, if conditions arnt to extrem

throw in a small bowl of water if humidity is to low in Veg but that is good flowering humidity as you dont want mould in those big buds!!!


Active Member
Hello fellow forum members,

I come before you more experienced green thumbs with a bit of confusion. I am hoping maybe some of you may be able to clear it up for me.

Potential Grow room and supplies.

1.) closet (9ft H X 4ft W X 2.5ft D)
2.) T5HO 6 bulb (squeezes in so perfect with no extra room)
3.) GHS "The Church" X 10 Fem. seeds
4.) 12" oscillating fan

Bonus Items (stuff I may add, depending on your replies)

1.) 5000 BTU A/C (to lower temps obviously)
2.) 4ftX4ftX2ft "Mother keeper" grow tent ( considering this to prevent light leaks at stupid early times in the morning... would Hate for a neighbor to be up at 5am)

Ok now that you know what im working with maybe you can help me figure out this little dilemma I am struggling with. After much reading I am to understand that 75-78 F with a humidity between 40 - 60 % humidity is what the ideal conditions are. In my closet with a fan blowing the temperature usually spans 82-84 F on average, however with the fan turned off it peaks at 86 F, the Humidity maintains between 37 and 42. are the conditions that I am planning on growing in good for plant growth? will they be stressed due to climate?

I have read several different "opinions" that anything over 80F is bad, yet the grow bible says anything 75-85 is within perfect range. So I'm a bit confused. Again will 82-84 F with humidity around 37-40% be "ideal" ish temps? or will it hurt the growth rate of my plants in veg state? This closet will only be used for veg, no bloom, that will be done elsewhere.

Thanks in advance
As far as the temp thing, if you get some black plastic and staple it to the top of the i assume siding door wall you could leave the the door open allow fresh air in and on the other side let air come out as seen on my pics that will help keep your temps down and not reveal all the light. Now I'm running co2 so I keep high temps in the high 80s. The fan I have stays still but pushes the air against the wall which moves it through the room. I say go with the book and as long as the temps stay considstant you'll be ok. Humidity shouldn't be a biggie
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Nope, the style door I have are Vented louver doors Googled Door Image Googled Door Image 2

Edit :
So under the assumption that the temps stay between 82-84 during day and 74ish at night then the plant wont be wasting energy trying to dump "heat"? Is this personal opinion or have you got "experience" or scientific evidence? Like I said there is soo much information out here and everyone seems to say something different I'm just looking for definitive information that is universally understood. I don't believe that 84 is that hot for myself, I can stand in the closet with the fan blowing and it "feels" like its around the 77ish area, however I'm not a thermometer, Im just trying to give my babies the "very best" while saving as much money in the process as possible. I guess in the end I just want to know I'm getting better than average growth rates if not Excellent. I hate waiting (character flaw) and I hate low quality (again character flaw) so I want to provide the best "climate" but I also want to go the cheapest route possible in achieving quality. Im not saying that I don't mind paying for the achievement, I just want the cheapest route to the gold. Lol


Well-Known Member
if thats your temps without lights on you have a problem. soon as you put that t5 in there an get plants under it an turn the lights on you will see the temp spike up, your gonna need to make sure that air is being sucked OUT of that closet so heat will not build up. i dident the exact same setup as your starting and while the temps in the room were at 78 normaly there alot of days the temps in the closet got in the high 90's till i figured out how to fix the problem. id say def get that a/c and def get a good way of venting your heat
well see that's the problem, I ran a "test run" the temps with out the lights on are around 80-81, no fan. If i turn the t5s on, it slowly rises to about 86. If i turn the fan on. It drops to around 82-84. So the "Highest" temp I have found over the last 3 weeks is 86 and that's only if I close the door at the hottest time of day. SO that being said my current working range with the fan on is 82-84.

Thats Is why I am asking based on the aforementioned temp ranges because that would be the "growing conditions". A lot of people are under the belief (im not sure why) that the room has to be 75-78 F. This just seems like a lot of biased opinion because I can only find this on "Forums" and "How to grow" sites but they have no real evidence presented via test grows or journals. Its like the whisper game. Someone told them something an they are just passing it on. While the grow bible says that up to 85 is perfect.

SO now im confused lol. I have a lot of (Speculative opinions?) information via forums and net saying that anything over 80 is bad and I have a book saying anything between 75-85 is perfect. Now im caught in a dilemma, Who do I listen to? lol.

Being a first timer its enough to make you wanna just toss your and up and grow it however the hell it turns out :evil:... But (character flaw) im the type of person that would do just that, then bitch I didn't get the "BEST" because I got frustrated and should have waited to find out wtf I should have been doing. Lol So im trying to avoid being pissed of that I dont know whats going on and get the "right" information regarding the Optimal grow range.

If 82-84 is to hot, Then im damn sure getting an A/C to put in the closet. However, If 82-84 is not "hot" and are in "optimal range" then I would rather spend the A/C money on something else to take care of the children like nutes, or maybe some co2 enrichment program or something. However, before I start doing anything, I (I assume its a character flaw) want perfection in my climate. I want to have my temps/humidity dialed in first and foremost and then nutes/watering.


Well-Known Member
my current grow is staying steady at 81 and they are growing great, no worries with those temps during veg, the 75 ~78 thing is more about flowering


Active Member
you should be right with that temp no worries, the plants always adapt to their environment, if conditions arnt to extrem

throw in a small bowl of water if humidity is to low in Veg but that is good flowering humidity as you dont want mould in those big buds!!!
didnt relise he hasnt got lights in there yet!!! WOW big heat probs....


Well-Known Member
If you are running 81-84 with the lights on and ventilation, then you should be ok. Anything you can do to bring it down 5 degrees or so would be ideal, but not necessary.
didnt relise he hasnt got lights in there yet!!! WOW big heat probs....
No, you misunderstood. with the lights off, my closet is between 78-81 depending on time of day. If I turn fan on it drops down to about 75-77ish. when I turn the t5s on with no fan turned on it climbs to 86. However, with the Lights on, the fan running and the door vents cracked It maintains 82 F with around 38% humidity. So I was asking if given this information if anyone who has substantial indoor grow experience could tell me weather or not I needed to change the climate because Im trying to get a optimal grow rate for vegging right now, Im not doing any flowering until this winter and temps drop so I can use the 600HPS to warm the house instead of using a heater lol
From what I'm gathering from you guys is that for an indoor grow as long as I don't let it go over 84 for a prolonged period of time I should be in the clear for optimal growth rates?

Should I turn this into a grow journal? or just start another thread for that?