indoor or outdoor? which is better?


Well-Known Member
hey im pretty active on the outdoor forum and we are having a debate over there. first off i just wanna say im an outdoor grower first and prefer it to indoor. with that being said i still think the best indoor is better than the best outdoor. a bunch of people on the outdoor section are tryna talk shit so i figured id get some opinions from u indoor growers who are more likely to agree with me. so whats better, when it comes to quality not yield, indoor or outdoors?


Well-Known Member
In my experience I would have to go with indoor. Indoor is a closed system where you have the godlike power to control the environment. And with that power you can use that to your crops advantage to bring out the very best of it in terms of overall quality.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor green house FTW

If you have good weather conditions for growing outdoors that is ...

If not indoors


Well-Known Member
everyone who says outdoors is better all say it for the same reason, the sun. i agree the sun is more powerful so you're gonna get good solid buds for more than just the first foot like you would indoors. but thats y u do a sog to increase yield and that one foot of bud is gonna be way better than any outdoor you're gonna grow hands down. the only things outdoor has over indoor is the better profit margin due to the lower cost to grow and higher yields. outdoors this year i only spent like $200 and ill make $6,000 if i sell it all. and thats sellin it cheap like i do, hundred dollar zips. and thats only using a 12foot by 4 foot garden. thats the only reason i prefer outdoor to indoor, spend less to make moor.