Indoor/outdoor grow look at the difference!! Why do they look different??


Hey guys!! Here are my outdoor and indoor plants.. Both were sprouted and planted on 5-29.. Look at the pics these are the indoor photo period (White Ruski, Cross white widow x ak47)
babies 094.jpgbabies 095.jpgbabies 096.jpg
And These are the outdoor (Auto White widow, Auto Lemon Haze, Auto AK 47)

babies 099.jpgbabies 100.jpgbabies 104.jpgbabies 105.jpg

The outdoor plants are so much smaller!!!! And they are AUTOs!! I thought autos grew faster!! We have been having crappy weather here rained 3 days last week.. and now 2days so far this week. After the first 2dys of rain I got scared they would get to much water so I covered them with a tarp and since then did every other rainy day.. But even though I covered them they still got wet... I used different soil for both grows indoor has FF ocean forest and outdoor is my own mix without any nutes( figured I wanted to feed them myself, so I made the soil without) But Now I cant feed them cuz off all the rain weve been having!!! how can I water them with nutes if they are soaked!! and they are 5gal smart pots!!! (take along time to dry up) So what do I do?? The outdoor plants look so lanky compared to the indoor.. Do u think it is cuz there isn't any nutes in the soil?? Thanks for any help guys!!!


Well-Known Member

This is growth from one season. Ruderalis is auto flower. The faster growing strains are sativa but they flower the slowest. Ruderalis flowers fastest but grows slowest. Indicas grow and flower evenly but do not autoflower.


Well-Known Member
Ruderalis evolved from having very short grow season and are ideal for regions furthest from the equator around 60 degrees north or south. Growers from these areas can do very well placing autos out every week until a 15-30 days before summer solicits.

Sativa evolved nearest to the equator, places like Indonesia, Congo, and Colombia.

Indica are from around 28 degrees north or south, most notably hash strains from east of china and west of turkey.


Ruderalis evolved from having very short grow season and are ideal for regions furthest from the equator around 60 degrees north or south. Growers from these areas can do very well placing autos out every week until a 15-30 days before summer solicits.

Sativa evolved nearest to the equator, places like Indonesia, Congo, and Colombia.

Indica are from around 28 degrees north or south, most notably hash strains from east of china and west of turkey.
Thanks for the fast reply!!! of course I know and understand what you are saying... I know all that about marijuana.. I think u should maybe read what I said from the post.. I have a few of the outdoor plants (allot older already) indoors and the ones that are outside are no where near the size that the indoor ones were when they were 2weeks old.. the outdoor plants are lanky and growing slow.. could it be all the rain? could it be cuz the soil mix I made has no nutes in it? and how can I feed my plants when the soil is wet all the time due to all the rain we are having??? 3days last week!!, 2days already this week!! and they are saying rain again tomorrow night!!!!!! this time im gonna cover them better with a few tarps that wont leak ( the otherone I used leaked and they got wet anyway)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the fast reply!!! of course I know and understand what you are saying... I know all that about marijuana.. I think u should maybe read what I said from the post.. I have a few of the outdoor plants (allot older already) indoors and the ones that are outside are no where near the size that the indoor ones were when they were 2weeks old.. the outdoor plants are lanky and growing slow.. could it be all the rain? could it be cuz the soil mix I made has no nutes in it? and how can I feed my plants when the soil is wet all the time due to all the rain we are having??? 3days last week!!, 2days already this week!! and they are saying rain again tomorrow night!!!!!! this time im gonna cover them better with a few tarps that wont leak ( the otherone I used leaked and they got wet anyway)
Dargh my bad. Is your indoor getting longer days then the outdoor? I would still feed them even if it is soaked, I would make sure its highly oxygenated with h2o2 and aerator.


Outdoors has a shorter photoperiod what is your light schedule inside
its 18/6 and its fu*king raining again today!!! How can I feed them nutes if its constantly raining??? I covered them with a good tarp this time! they still got wet for like 30min before I got to them//.... what do I do to feed them?


New Member
For my outdoor plants I use vegetable plant food (some kind of powder) that I just put on top of the soil and when it rains it automatically penetrates the soil slowly giving them nutes.


In my opinion from a lot of reading and personally experience, Plants grown indoors are much much closer to a light source that is 100% shining on the plants which is optimal growing. Outside the light source the sun is so much further away and has so many variables to change how plant grow like rain and clouds things like that.

I would strongly recommend not watering until your soil is dried up or use a powder like Marter said, if you keep the soil to wet for too long you will get root rot and your plant will die more then likely, just wait it out till they are dry then give maybe a 10% boost of nutrients. Rain water is pure clean water also so its not bad water or anything its ok the plants will be fine without nutrients for a while. Thats my thoughts.


In my opinion from a lot of reading and personally experience, Plants grown indoors are much much closer to a light source that is 100% shining on the plants which is optimal growing. Outside the light source the sun is so much further away and has so many variables to change how plant grow like rain and clouds things like that.

I would strongly recommend not watering until your soil is dried up or use a powder like Marter said, if you keep the soil to wet for too long you will get root rot and your plant will die more then likely, just wait it out till they are dry then give maybe a 10% boost of nutrients. Rain water is pure clean water also so its not bad water or anything its ok the plants will be fine without nutrients for a while. Thats my thoughts.
Hey thanks for the fast reply!!! it Fu*kin Rained again today!!!! I coverd them up but they still get wet not that bad but they do... im scared that they will get root rot like u said.. ive been thinking bout it and if its gonna rain again before I can get that soil dry I will bring them in my basement and keep them under some floros. what do you think??would that be ok if they were outside during the day and at night under floros??? CUZ Now im worried bout the root rot like u said. those pots (smart pots) been wet like almost 2weeks straight now, and it takes them bout 5-7days to dry up (5gal) so they will be wet at least that much longer.. so would that be ok to bring em inside at night under the floros and out side during the day? that will change their light schedule from what they are getting now to bout 24hrs... what do u think??


Gosh more rain where do you live around ha, and also have you looked at your weather forecast to see if there is a end insight for rain? Yea those plants are very small and im sure dont have a very big root system at all, smaller plants are generally weaker and need more care. I would say if you got lights inside some place and you could keep them inside until the rain stops for sure do that and get some good fans blowing constantly on them. Then if it nice outside put them back outside. Generally if youre doing outdoor grows you veg them till they are 2ft or taller and well established to stand outdoor elements. So youre still needing to veg these plants so the more light they can get the better 24 hours is fine only during flowering does the light schedule change.

So bring them inside have fans blowing on them, lights always on and leave them if you can so they can get more established and till its gonna be nice out for awhile. Thats my thoughts.


Gosh more rain where do you live around ha, and also have you looked at your weather forecast to see if there is a end insight for rain? Yea those plants are very small and im sure dont have a very big root system at all, smaller plants are generally weaker and need more care. I would say if you got lights inside some place and you could keep them inside until the rain stops for sure do that and get some good fans blowing constantly on them. Then if it nice outside put them back outside. Generally if youre doing outdoor grows you veg them till they are 2ft or taller and well established to stand outdoor elements. So youre still needing to veg these plants so the more light they can get the better 24 hours is fine only during flowering does the light schedule change.

So bring them inside have fans blowing on them, lights always on and leave them if you can so they can get more established and till its gonna be nice out for awhile. Thats my thoughts.
all those plants are AUTOs!!! do u think if I put them inside at night under floros and then straight outside in the morning until they dry up and I get some nice weather they will be ok? ill do this as long as I have to until the soil drys up.. its been wet way to long!!! also they will get that extra light they have lost due to rain!!! but will that hurt them? getting natural sun all day then going inside under floros all night??


Yea they are autos I was just saying about the lighting, it is best to keep them inside till its gonna be sunny out for awhile rather then switching back and forth between lights, that could stress the plant out. So id say leave them inside till the coast is clear and itll be sunny for awhile, and the time they are inside will also give them time to build up root structure and be ready for outdoors. Thats my thoughts.


Yea they are autos I was just saying about the lighting, it is best to keep them inside till its gonna be sunny out for awhile rather then switching back and forth between lights, that could stress the plant out. So id say leave them inside till the coast is clear and itll be sunny for awhile, and the time they are inside will also give them time to build up root structure and be ready for outdoors. Thats my thoughts.
WITCH POwDERD fertilizer should I use on them?? and how much so I don't burn them??? THANKS FOR THE HELP


get powdered bat guano, and mix it in around them
keep covering them with the tarp during heavy rain cus autos dont like overwatering - causes them to slow down
check out the auto-flowering forum
WHAT FERTILIZER SHOULD I use? and how much? I don't wanna hurt them. do u think its ok to bring em inside under floros at night then back outside in the morning... ??? at least for a week to let emm dry up....


Just use any root powder such as white widow by humboldt or great white, bring them inside till itll be sunny out for awhile, and have fans blowing on them to help dry soil. Thats my thoughts.


Just use any root powder such as white widow by humboldt or great white, bring them inside till itll be sunny out for awhile, and have fans blowing on them to help dry soil. Thats my thoughts.
Hey thanks!! yesterday was sunny all day!! so I left emm outside all day and night, today suposted to be another nice hot sunny day,but their saying rain tonight!!! so they are going inside for the night time!! im kind of dreading bringing them all inside (23 5gal pots) I made these chicken wire cages around them so I gotta take them off or else they wont fit under the lights...