Purple Killing Fields is ready to do a report on.

Appearance: Incredibly dark purple. Covered in liberal amounts of trichs. Medium-loose conglomeration of medium-dense cattails. Green stems and tips of bud leaves, most green removed in trimming. The contrast between the crystals and the purple makes the crystals really stand out!
Odor: Strong petrol (solvent) odor and a strong floral undertone. That's pretty much it; not a terribly complex odor, but quite strong.
Taste: This plant was ripe faster than we expected and didn't get a proper flush period, we believe that the taste suffered as a result, however it by no means was terrible

Heavy spice with a hint of petrol, and a slight earthy aftertaste. Smooth with a medium throat burn going down. Light smoke, Easy to hold hits in.
Potency: This was quite potent compared to everything we have grown before. We each felt sufficiently stoned after 3 hits, and with our tolerances we usually need to smoke twice as much to get there. Though we've both encountered stronger, it's been rare. This was right on par with the potency we've found in typical a-dam/vancouver/dispensary.
High: Energetic high with a heady stone. Great daytime smoke, has a tendency to keep you up for at least 45-60 min, so not such a great bedtime smoke. Quite visual (slightly grainy with vibrant colors), but lacking the pressure change in your eyes/temples that some visual strains can cause.
All around this was not the most tasty (though with a proper flush it might be better), but was incredibly potent. The bag appeal of pure dark purple nugs was top notch. We showed it around to a number of heavy smokers and got nothing but wow's and ohh's and ahh's before even taking a hit.