Indoor Pest Control


What's should I use to get rid of some little flying pests in an indoor grow room? BTW got one WWidow baby girl growing with 1 90 Watt LED ProSource Illuminator, and 1 Lighthouse LED 100 watt UFO. Trying to get a personal stash going.


Well-Known Member
Sticky strips, one hanging up and a small piece cut off and placed on top of soil, it will eventually get rid of them.


Active Member
look for a product called "gognats" organic cedar based insect repellent. run it through your soil in combination with the yellow sticky traps to kill both adults and larvae


Thanks GrOwGreen, I saw something about that when I was googling sticky strips. Is to late to use Gognats, when my lil girl is in her Retirement Home?


I found the directions for Gognats as well. Looks like something I might try. Forgot about the larvae. Thanks alot for your help.


Active Member
yep you gotta treat the source not just the symptoms. you can use it anytime. its a staple in my grow room :)