indoor plants and sunligh


Active Member
i have about 5 plants indoors off flouro's and i was recently told that during their light schdule if i was able to put them outside and let them get natural light for a few hours before putting them back into the closet will help them grow greatly

just wondering if anyone has tried this? or knows if it is a good idea or bad??

its not cold outside, and the brezze i think would be good to promote stem growth, but will this send the plant into confusion or something


Well-Known Member
cloudy sunny windy rainy its a plant and it will love the natural sun even with clouds uv gets through


Active Member
I dont know exactly about marijuana plants but I have put some plants (Ficus Bonsai) in the sun after they spent a winter under cfl's and the leaves burned. The much stronger sunlight burned most of the leaves that sprouted over the winter and they ended up falling off. So if you do it I would gradually expose them to sunlight so the leaves have time to adjust.


Active Member
I have a plant in the window getting sunlight and CFL light. Its lookin nice. I put it outside though and went out an hour later to find it completely dropped over on its side.
Im guessing the wind got to it, so defently make sure it has a sturdy stem before doing this but it would for sure help


Active Member
for sure thanks, i am talking about actually putting the plants outside and letting them get the sun that way, now as for the stems they are strong and able to handle the light wind blowing outside, and today the leaves showed no burning, i was just wondering if the plants could tell the difference,


Active Member
ok i am good on bringing the pests indoors, i check and remove them before i bring the plants in, right now including the sunlight they are getting like 21 hours of light with three hours off, they are still in the veg statge and i just began bending the tops, almost like in supercropping and i snapped one of the tops, i am wondering whats going to happen?

should i pull the part snapped off or let the plant try to repair itself?