Indoor shed Grow (winter)

josh b

Well-Known Member
this has so much potentiol im gonna keep a close eye on how u improve ur room every week or so,but yes heat may be an issue but if u get all the right instalation and lighitng ull be well on ur way to a fat crop or dank bud there m8


use part of my shed we dont got snow yet but its getting colld i have it insulated and vented. i find my biggest prob with this is keeping it warm enough in there the temp drops down quite a bit during the dark period i have a small heater in there to keep it regulated pretty good and only run the air system off and on during the day and last winter there was never any snow that stayed on top of the shed but now i have heat reflective material on the ceiling to help with that just remember to clean and disinfect the whole shed and set up some mouse traps the heat will make real appealing to rodents lol and they will find a way in hope this gives u a lil heads up so u can better prepare urself and good luck

grow space

Well-Known Member
Sweet place you got there dude...
I just started my first indoor grow in my shed(shitty shed that i tried to fix up)..I will have some snow also, and that insulation looks interesting-with snow...?whaaat...sweet....
Very nice equipment growing old school style-with fluros, and so.e cfls

Keep up the good work mate...


josh b

Well-Known Member
Right on josh, hope to hear for ya! 2-3 weeks it will be all set up i hope.

ye man trust me ill keep a close eye on, ur gonna have 1 huge plantation and im gonna love watching ur babies from seed-smoke lol.

plus u sound an alright person so mayb our conversations will be funny when there growing =)



Well-Known Member
your room seems great...but bcseeds are scam might want another seedbank.

34% THC...*cough* bullshit *cough* They supposedly have about 30 bs strains with higher thc than every other plant in the world.

I am going to write a review for their new "Pickle Bud" that they want you to pay $3,000 for.

BC Seeds: Pickle Bud.

OMG we took a helicopter and flew over the Bermuda triangle twice...crash landed on a small island that had one coconut tree and a huge marijuana tree. Thankfully we remembered to bring our satelite phones...but we had to check out that marijuana tree first! Turns out that the tree was an entirely new strain of marijuana! We took some clones and have named them pickle bud. Enough of the back story...let's get into the "meat and potatoes"

THC: 110% That's right! OVER 100% THC! How you ask? was born and raised in the Bermuda Triangle where normal percentages/laws of physics/Oprah's fluctuating weight...DO NOT MATTER!
Flower time: 3 weeks! That's right! In only 21 days AT MOST Pickle bud will be finished and ready to smoke...what? What about drying time? Curing? All things of the past my friends. As soon as you cut down Pickle Bud...she starts an unheard of rapid drying time of 14 minutes. 18 minutes after that? She has finished curing herself. We are as amazed as you...believe me.

The high last a fortnight. (That's 14 days for us modern folk) It starts off as the greatest sativa high imaginable...and after 10 days or so melts into the greatest indica high imaginable.

$3,000 a seed. Limited quantities available. HURRY!!!!

josh b

Well-Known Member
i doubt there 34% most strong skunk strains are about 20-30 max obviously hash oil is about 59% but thats tricky stuff.


Well-Known Member
I have not heard about this plant before and 34% THC????????

But you never know, Good luck with the grow



Well-Known Member
i doubt there 34% most strong skunk strains are about 20-30 max obviously hash oil is about 59% but thats tricky stuff.
I doubt everything above 24%.

If we had ONE actual strain that ACTUALLY produced over 30%'d have 100 strains that did that within a year. They'd be all over the seedbank world. Not just in one place.

Because...if true...I'd buy the seeds...pollenate the females with my males...and have thousands of seeds within a few months. I'd then turn around and sell them to whomever at half price. Hells that is still like $75 a seed!!! (based off $1,500 for 10 seeds...which of course = $150 a seed)

You can get hundreds of seeds per plant.

Do the math. If that shit was real...the seeds would be all over the planet by now. Because whoever 1/2 priced bc seeds...would be a millionaire within a year.

BUT...if BC seeds claims are BS...then nobody is going to rush out to seed their own. They'll stick to strains that are being bred by more honest breeders and bred at a more reasonable price.


Well-Known Member
your room seems great...but bcseeds are scam might want another seedbank.

34% THC...*cough* bullshit *cough* They supposedly have about 30 bs strains with higher thc than every other plant in the world.

I am going to write a review for their new "Pickle Bud" that they want you to pay $3,000 for.

BC Seeds: Pickle Bud.

OMG we took a helicopter and flew over the Bermuda triangle twice...crash landed on a small island that had one coconut tree and a huge marijuana tree. Thankfully we remembered to bring our satelite phones...but we had to check out that marijuana tree first! Turns out that the tree was an entirely new strain of marijuana! We took some clones and have named them pickle bud. Enough of the back story...let's get into the "meat and potatoes"

THC: 110% That's right! OVER 100% THC! How you ask? was born and raised in the Bermuda Triangle where normal percentages/laws of physics/Oprah's fluctuating weight...DO NOT MATTER!
Flower time: 3 weeks! That's right! In only 21 days AT MOST Pickle bud will be finished and ready to smoke...what? What about drying time? Curing? All things of the past my friends. As soon as you cut down Pickle Bud...she starts an unheard of rapid drying time of 14 minutes. 18 minutes after that? She has finished curing herself. We are as amazed as you...believe me.

The high last a fortnight. (That's 14 days for us modern folk) It starts off as the greatest sativa high imaginable...and after 10 days or so melts into the greatest indica high imaginable.

$3,000 a seed. Limited quantities available. HURRY!!!!
I heard that it grows in the lost city of Atlantis, and they got a clone from some toked out mermaids. Either way i'm watching this grow.I'd love to use that shed.


Well-Known Member
your room seems great...but bcseeds are scam might want another seedbank.

34% THC...*cough* bullshit *cough* They supposedly have about 30 bs strains with higher thc than every other plant in the world.

I am going to write a review for their new "Pickle Bud" that they want you to pay $3,000 for.

BC Seeds: Pickle Bud.

OMG we took a helicopter and flew over the Bermuda triangle twice...crash landed on a small island that had one coconut tree and a huge marijuana tree. Thankfully we remembered to bring our satelite phones...but we had to check out that marijuana tree first! Turns out that the tree was an entirely new strain of marijuana! We took some clones and have named them pickle bud. Enough of the back story...let's get into the "meat and potatoes"

THC: 110% That's right! OVER 100% THC! How you ask? was born and raised in the Bermuda Triangle where normal percentages/laws of physics/Oprah's fluctuating weight...DO NOT MATTER!
Flower time: 3 weeks! That's right! In only 21 days AT MOST Pickle bud will be finished and ready to smoke...what? What about drying time? Curing? All things of the past my friends. As soon as you cut down Pickle Bud...she starts an unheard of rapid drying time of 14 minutes. 18 minutes after that? She has finished curing herself. We are as amazed as you...believe me.

The high last a fortnight. (That's 14 days for us modern folk) It starts off as the greatest sativa high imaginable...and after 10 days or so melts into the greatest indica high imaginable.

$3,000 a seed. Limited quantities available. HURRY!!!!
yeah Im not buying from this site. i might buy their cheaper stains but this pickle bud is bs.

i smoke alot of pot. I would like to see this Fortnight high.
i might get some cheap seeds from this site.

Im going to compair Familiar stains sold from BCseeds. Like White widow. say they have improved WW
Ill buy these improved seeds and buy from

Now comming from canada and my main supply comes from bc.... There are some fucked up strains that come out of that province.

Seriously knock u on your ass.
2 people a 0.3 joint, we had to half it out...

Now i am not your "Social smoker" neither is the person i was smoking with.

He has been smoking for longer than ive been alive.
Ive been toking for 8 years.

We both had to put this thing down...

If bcseeds is anything like that its byfar worth the money. but untill then ill just snag some seeds from his sac.

I hate Scam artists.

Anyways i have some new news.

I might switch to a Volksgrow system and Work on Maximizing my yeilds with that unit.
I've been looking at these for some years now and have decided this might be time for my new toy.
This way i can put a 76"x76"x76" tent in the shed or in my garage.

but Bugs is my concern even in the middle of winter i start heating the shed up they start waking up.
a lot of bugs hibernate for winter, once you heat the shed up they think its summer again... the only vegetation is my pot.... i can see this being a problem.
so now i must ask myself if i should really use this prime location and spend some money killing the bugs off for good.
Have a grow tent in the shed? or my garage?
i have been brainstorming future plans for these Volksgrows..... Im reminding my self of a mad scientist.... I've calculated out some GROSS numbers.... using only 5200watts...
now I'm trailing off topic....

But yeah you guys have some good opinions.
Should i switch to VOLKS or what. i kinda am leaning towards VOLKs myself but i want to hear what you guys think.
so give me your Opinions on my thoughts. thanks guys.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Bugs is my concern even in the middle of winter i start heating the shed up they start waking up.
a lot of bugs hibernate for winter, once you heat the shed up they think its summer again... the only vegetation is my pot.... i can see this being a problem.

but give me your Opinions on my thoughts. thanks guys.:peace::joint:
Looks like the start to something good. I wish you the best of luck. I just wanted to mention that I've bought from before, and I was very happy with what I got. I certainly didn't buy any $1500.00 seeds. But, I went with White Demon for $50 and I got 20 free seeds -$30 altogether. Every seed I've germed has come out healthy with about a 50% male to female ratio. I think the weed is great. It's the only "Medical strain" I've ever gotten, but it's certainly the best weed around here. Best weed I've ever smoked. Anyhow...
If you bomb it, and spray it really good before your grow, you shouldn't have a problem. The only bugs that are going to come out of hibernation are in the shed, and they'll be dead by that point. I might even suggest throwing a heater out there before you get started, then when you start to notice bugs, treat the area. Should only take one bombing and one spraying. Make sure you soak down all the possible entry points.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your thoughts jonny,
Yeah the seeds i wanted were $500.00 CAN and it sounds good but I am still going to check out some cheaper seeds and put them to the test.
If they pass, i buy Elephant bud for $495.
Although buying 10 seeds for this price might seem like a lot, i would flower 7 of them and make 3 mothers. (if they were all Fem)
This way i would always have the plant and my 500 bucks would not be lost.
I am from canada and there are some kids trying to sell a OZ for 280 bucks here... and it's decent weed but the fucking kid wets it down.
that is one of my problems in this new location. higher prices. shitty weed.

I am use to 180-200 for Danks. So of course i am pissed whenever i purchase pot here. So really i should not be complaining about 500 bucks for seeds lmao if its great bud.

But yeah any thoughts on my setup, i am strongly leaning towards Volksgrow myself. But i want some OPINIONS!!!!! lol


a little food for thought so with 2 600s in there exause will be needed were will the exause out go and were ever it goes i would be worried that snow will melt into the exause and fuck your shit up big time
also the shed must be 100% completly water proof cause the heat commin off those lights will warm the shed walls and melt the snow surounding the shed lets hope none of that meltage seeps in your shed i would recomend new plywood a waterproof membraine seperating the plywood and the studds on the outside of the walls
inside insalation another waterproof membrain then i would have to get the exact name but the drywall stuff that retains heat and dosent let the heat penatrate the exterior witch would help if anyones peepin from the sky also

josh b

Well-Known Member
nice again what seeds u gonna use haze and light of jah look pretty funky man.
and ye i think that them really expencive seeds are just a rip of tbh,i doubt that they an produce 25%+

keep it up man


Well-Known Member
a little food for thought so with 2 600s in there exause will be needed were will the exause out go and were ever it goes i would be worried that snow will melt into the exause and fuck your shit up big time
also the shed must be 100% completly water proof cause the heat commin off those lights will warm the shed walls and melt the snow surounding the shed lets hope none of that meltage seeps in your shed i would recomend new plywood a waterproof membraine seperating the plywood and the studds on the outside of the walls
inside insalation another waterproof membrain then i would have to get the exact name but the drywall stuff that retains heat and dosent let the heat penatrate the exterior witch would help if anyones peepin from the sky also
Yeah i think i know what kind of drywall ur talking about im going to have to look into it. Ill be making multiple rooms, Flower Veg and mother rooms. ill be using a VolksGarden and then upgrade to a Roto-Gro.

these things are wicked. Hit up VerticalGrow Forums to check these units out. 7-10pounds per 2000watts 312plant sites. Its pretty amazing.

Ill be updating pictures of my Holding champer ;)


Well-Known Member
I was going to try rotary growing a while back and did a lot of research into it... I came to the conclusion that since it severly limits which strains you can grow and requires such high fuck me in the ass for 10 years federal prison plant counts that it just isn't worth it, at least in most situations. If you have the money for those and aren't afraid of high plant count numbers and are familiar with verticalgrow then you know you can also hit high numbers with well done diy vertical setups. Think 2kw in a vert setup times however many you have space for and I bet you can fill the shed and garage and outfit them with everything you need and grow more smoke for less cost than rotary and it'll be easier to maintain and use and you'll have more flexibilty to choose whatever smoke you like not just what works well in a rotary machine.

The only difference is slightly less grams per watt, so just run more watts/more vert setups. It's still way fewer plants to hit the same weight.

Admit it, it's the cool factor...