Indoor, soil, FoxFarm trio, Week 5 Flower, slight tip burn?


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing a bit of tip burn and am looking for some advice, please.

Purple Strawberry Bliss
Day 33 Flower, (7 days 12/12 before flower count began) veg was 56 days including those seven.
Indoor, soil Fox Farms Ocean Forest, 10gal
Day 84F 55%RH Night 76F 55%RH, has been very steady, RH sometimes fluctuates 55-59%
2XQB288 at 220W with red supplement and 4hrs Fluorescent UV
Fixture is about 18" from canopy, but the top colas (are these big enough to call colas?) are 12"
Top three or four buds are seeing about 1000umoles, the rest about 750umoles
Feeding is Fox Farms trio, see feed schedule all values are mL/gal
Frequency is every other day Feed 3gal-Water 2gal-Water 3gal
5mL CalMag, 10mL SledgeHammer, and 1.5mL silica per gal with each feed/water
My first flush was day24 Flower
Full details

How do these look to you? Should I make any adjustments to my nutrients?
There is some tip burn on several leaves, with the tips turned upwards. Also I noticed today that two leaves have some yellow at the edges. I had to make some trellis changes recently and could have damaged that section and don't see another like it.
I was planning on running these ten weeks, but I think it looks further along than halfway. The once-white hairs turned orange and some seem to have retracted but I don't know what that means. I'm ok with being patient but don't want the end to sneak up on my if I haven't tapered down the feed.
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I'd stop using the grow big at week 3 or 4 during flower stage for your plants do not need that much nitrogen during flower.. the first 2-3 weeks is fine because they do all their last min vegetative growth in these weeks.. I had this problem before and all I did was take out grow big week 4 on..



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Dj. I'll eliminate Grow Big from the rest of the program.

Here is the progress today, Serrated edges are pointing up a bit more, and another fan leaf with some spots. The spots kind of look like Ca or Mg, but if pH is off it can look like alot of things, and am beginning to wonder if my cheap pen is still accurate. Tomorrow I'll take it to the hydro store to compare readings with theirs if they'll let me. I also have some strips I can compare against.

I wonder... did the white hairs turn orange because of nitrogen excess or is this a genetic trait? I'll be running this one again after this one plays out- but it will be a full organic program.

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Well-Known Member
Well hell's bells.
Now I get to add heat stress to the equation. Shortly before (my) bedtime I was measuring my shelving unit next to my tent. I didn't realize the end of the tape measure bumped against the fan controller and adjusted the time variable. Instead of 30sec on every 1min the extraction fan ran 30sec every 30mins.
Overheat caused excessive transpiration, which caused the dehumidifier to stay on, which of course rose the heat even more. I didn't get a look at the leaves because the lights went out while I was sorting out the heat, will see at light on this evening.

I was scheduled for a 3gal water, think I'll make it a 3gal feed instead- eliminating the nitrogen of course.
The hairs changing color is normal..yeah definitely want to watch that temperature dont want heat stress.. all in all your plants look great...


Well-Known Member
Heat stress is one thing. I just realized I left out the most important part. I was in a rush.

It was 105 degrees Fahrenheit for over six hours!!!
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Dame that's very hot.. as long as thats fixed... I keep my tent at 70-75 degrees... I also keep my exhaust fan on 24/7 but mainly because I have a high humidity problem...


Well-Known Member
I use the timed fan approach to keep temps up. Been running this one 84-86 as an experiment due to LED not having infrared to keep leaf surface temperature higher like conventional light sources.

I'm about to dump some more pictures on my journal if interested, but here's an update on the leaf. No new or growing spots, edge/tip curl remains pronounced but doesn't seem any worse/better. Hopefully will respond well to removing the nitrogen from the schedule.

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Alrighty... it's strange to me because my led lights have inferred lights on them.. probably won't see any thing get better but shouldn't see anything getting worse..