Indoor soil grow, nutrient question


This is my first grow(lowryder autos) and I ultimately ended up growing in soil even though I bought everything for a hydro grow. I purchased General Hydroponics Floramicro, Floragro, and Florabloom. I had found a chart online that showed what ratios to mix these at for growing in soil, but now I can't find it. Could somebody point me towards a chart like this, or let me know what ppm to mix them at. Thanks


fuck off asshole.

I am looking for a chart that has it listed in PPM
If you want a helpful reply it's a good idea to stay calm and be polite.

I am in the same situation as yourself and i have been told to dilute the recommended dosage to 1/4 of what they use for hydroponics, if your plants look like they need more than increase it to 1/2 strength. If you're looking for ppm then simply follow the directions for ml per litre and measure the ppm yourself. But tbh i'm not sure why you would want to bother with the ppm, just take the recommended hydro amount and use 1/4 or use the chart the guy above linked.

Oh and remember that in soil you may not need nutrients during the veg phase depending on whether your soil has nutrients already in it.


Thanks for the info Moonlight. If you read the post that I was replying to you will see why I responded the way that I did...


Oh and remember you don't need to fertilize with every watering, otherwise the salt build up will just kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
wow that was surprising i did nt think i came acros derogatory.. yea fuk you 2 hoe, tryn to help ur mongaloid ass out "i bought some nutes but i dunno how to mix em" think kunt


Well-Known Member
moonlight when u say salt build up [nute build up??] will it show in the same way overfertilising does like ther tip of the leafs turning yellow?