Indoor T5/HPS Grow - Quick Question, PLEASE HELP!


so i am in the first week of flowering and wanted to spray my plants down one last time just to ensure no residual spidermites..

it just so happens that the closet im growing in is in my bedroom only a few feet away from my bed...

is it safe? will it be cool to sleep in my bed in a couple hours? right now im airing out the room. i know azamax is organic and everything, but i have a dog too and im worried its bad for us.

any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks a lot. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
lol you be fine the smell will get stronger, not to mention your clothing will smell like your weed soon. but the oder will just make you want to smoke it lol yea . your dog will want to smoke tooo...


Well-Known Member
trim those plant, the bottom branchest will no produce alot, werth smokeing, so dont waist the plants time on growing down there, better for plant to use its energy growing up top