Indoor to Outdoor light question.

I was wondering if it is safe to move plants from an indoor growing box (using a 400w HPS light) to the outdoors into the sun on a day to day basis? My worries was that the change of light, environment, and controlled conditions would cause the plants unnecessary stress, or would this be helpful to the plants because of the better sunlight, and natural environment.

Jah be good,

Ganja Farmer


Active Member
i have actually been doing this for awhile now, i put my plants outside when the sun is out and over my balcony, when it goes away i put them back into the closet with the lights, so far the only negitive thing i have seen or heard about is bugs, you just have to make sure before you bring them in that you are not bring any bugs in with them.

also another thing to look out for, (i have this problems frequently when the sun is warm) the plant will show signs that it needs watering sometimes while outside, now if you know the plant doesnt need water, the plant llooks this way because it is too hot. if i notice one of my plants doing this while it is outside (and i know its not because the plant needs water) i normally bring it back into the cool air under my lights and within 40 mins its back to normal

depending on what kinda lights you have, moving the plant back and forth between sunlight and artificial light can greatly help the plant to develop and store more energy.


i have been doing this to it seem to really make them take off when they are back inside the next day i am ready to take them out they have had a grow spur not a lot but noticeable