indoor vs. outdoors not really sure what i want ot do yet


i havent tried growing yet and i really want to tired of these outrageous prices for some good bud i was hoping you guys could help me choos ebetween outdoor or indoor
It will be cheaper outdoors but since your saving money not buying you can afford some ness. equipment. You'll have to weigh the pros and cons for your situation. You will have to think about security and pests outdoors as well. Once you have the basics you can grow a couple plants indoors anytime of the year. I do both personally just because I save money on power outdoors in the summer.


New Member
If you live in a legal state and have a card, no amount of electric light can give what natural sunlight will. Also, outdoor is much cheaper to do as well. I live in a condo in Florida so outdoors is out of the question. But if I could I certainly would. If your state is not legal, security is crucial for obvious reasons. Also, most 1st timers tend to be extremely proud and excited about their grows so please take my advice and tell NO ONE but God what you are doing. Good Luck!

newb weed grower

Active Member
i say u should do both wats stopping u u can have one indoors u get to c and smell and love everyday and some outdoors just to be awsome
id do indoor with a good growbox and u can make a flowering growbox and veg so u get a crop every month or even every few days


Active Member
If you live in a legal state and have a card, no amount of electric light can give what natural sunlight will. Also, outdoor is much cheaper to do as well. I live in a condo in Florida so outdoors is out of the question. But if I could I certainly would. If your state is not legal, security is crucial for obvious reasons. Also, most 1st timers tend to be extremely proud and excited about their grows so please take my advice and tell NO ONE but God what you are doing. Good Luck!

Natural sunlight may be plentiful in Florida, but up north where the rest of us live, we have way more clouds then we do sun. Indoors is the way to go if where you live is cold and cloudy 8 months out of the year. If youre in SoCal, you should already be dropping those seeds outside.