indroducing encarsia formosa for whiteflies?


Well-Known Member
i've got whiteflies in my growcab, i've only seen a few and i've killed them all. my plants look very healthy so i know it's still an easy problem to fix. can i introduce those wasp indoors? hah, i know it's not great to introduce wasps indoors but i figure by the time they are mature they've done their job and i can kill them? am i just really stoned or is something that is typically done? either way, i know there are a lot of solutions you can mix but idk, i'm not into that stuff


btw, do those look like trichomes in the above picture or what haha


Well-Known Member
i think i have been very lucky for my first grow, no outdoor pest on my plants, which is strange as my apartment is on the ground floor in a wooded area and i always have tonnes of spiders and flies in here. i have a friend who is always having problems with pests, he bought predator mites but they did nothing. sorry i can't help you but u never know the bump may help.