Kite High
Well-Known Member
These are the only affordable lamps that will produce the 400 uw/cm2 at distances from the bulbs of 12-18 inches on the T5's and 28-36 inches on the mh floods. They are productive for 6-9 months on the t5's and 18-24 months on the mh's. See almost all light sources emit uv with the halide and fluorescent quite high. However to the glee of lamp manufacturers, normal glass formulations effectively block the uvb making the production cheaper and keeping uv from harming people and fading things. So in order to emit uvb a much more expensive glass formulation containing quartz needs to be utilized to allow enough but not too much uvb and no uvc through. This is the costly and finicky part of the game.
my meters
The reasoning for the uvc meter is when doing the research to find a suitable source I also wanted to to make sure the sources were safe. Alot of the cheaper bulbs did emit uvc in harmful amounts regardless the brand. Commonality was Chinese manufacture. Also the uvb meters/recommended lamps are most responsive to the frequencies we seek which thanks to nature is the same as for d3 synthesis in reptiles. I found it to be absolutely amazing that a plant and reptiles evolved to utilize the same frequencies for use for totally different purposes. I also have a friend that is a professor at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs that has been and is doing cannabis research that has the insanely high dollar radiometers that absolutely measures these things and he verified the accuracy of and indicated to me that my meters are perfect for my uses. He discovered the same things I did and verified my hypothesis to him that it is the same frequencies of d3 synthesis for cannabinoid ratio shifting. He is currently researching my other hypothesis that the synthase proteins are altered which causes the thc and thcv to go up while cbd goes down. In my mind this means that the glands absorb uvb and the uvb provides the energy to fuel increased production of the synthase proteins for thc and thcv and lowers the synthase proteins for the cbd. He promised that once his studies have completed and he is published and peer reviewed he will forward me a free copy. I would not be able to share the actual documents but surely will be able to share the info contained therein. But it will be a while as the study is currently ongoing and these things take time.
Therefore when seeking to produce high cbd ratios I do not use uvb.
This chart may help to see what I mean.
Its has been eluded to by my colleague that blue light also causes some of these to occur but to a much lower degree than uvb and that in flower a 3:1 red to blue and not the former 7:1 is ideal in both growth and potency during flower.
I hope this is better understood now and explains alot of my reasoning that went into my lighting choices.
These are the only affordable lamps that will produce the 400 uw/cm2 at distances from the bulbs of 12-18 inches on the T5's and 28-36 inches on the mh floods. They are productive for 6-9 months on the t5's and 18-24 months on the mh's. See almost all light sources emit uv with the halide and fluorescent quite high. However to the glee of lamp manufacturers, normal glass formulations effectively block the uvb making the production cheaper and keeping uv from harming people and fading things. So in order to emit uvb a much more expensive glass formulation containing quartz needs to be utilized to allow enough but not too much uvb and no uvc through. This is the costly and finicky part of the game.
my meters
The reasoning for the uvc meter is when doing the research to find a suitable source I also wanted to to make sure the sources were safe. Alot of the cheaper bulbs did emit uvc in harmful amounts regardless the brand. Commonality was Chinese manufacture. Also the uvb meters/recommended lamps are most responsive to the frequencies we seek which thanks to nature is the same as for d3 synthesis in reptiles. I found it to be absolutely amazing that a plant and reptiles evolved to utilize the same frequencies for use for totally different purposes. I also have a friend that is a professor at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs that has been and is doing cannabis research that has the insanely high dollar radiometers that absolutely measures these things and he verified the accuracy of and indicated to me that my meters are perfect for my uses. He discovered the same things I did and verified my hypothesis to him that it is the same frequencies of d3 synthesis for cannabinoid ratio shifting. He is currently researching my other hypothesis that the synthase proteins are altered which causes the thc and thcv to go up while cbd goes down. In my mind this means that the glands absorb uvb and the uvb provides the energy to fuel increased production of the synthase proteins for thc and thcv and lowers the synthase proteins for the cbd. He promised that once his studies have completed and he is published and peer reviewed he will forward me a free copy. I would not be able to share the actual documents but surely will be able to share the info contained therein. But it will be a while as the study is currently ongoing and these things take time.
Therefore when seeking to produce high cbd ratios I do not use uvb.
This chart may help to see what I mean.

Its has been eluded to by my colleague that blue light also causes some of these to occur but to a much lower degree than uvb and that in flower a 3:1 red to blue and not the former 7:1 is ideal in both growth and potency during flower.
I hope this is better understood now and explains alot of my reasoning that went into my lighting choices.