Inexspensive CO2 solutions?


Well-Known Member
Instead of a torch y not use a propane heater same thing with no fire theres heat but i dunno how much heat a torch puts out anyways. I also heard dry ice. When it evap it releases co2. I was also thinking of getting a co2 tank and just turning it on a little a couple of times a day is that a good idea? Or do I need the whole setup?


Well-Known Member
It would work to an extent. It's best to measure how much c02 is in the atmosphere to be safe. There is such thing as too much. Too little won't do much good, either.


Active Member
the propane torch I have from home depot says on the back "Burning propane makes Carbon Monoxide"

does it make both CO and CO2?


Well-Known Member
cheapest co2 solution would be around 30 buks. buy a paintball co2 bottle for 25buks and get it filled with co2 for 5$ tap the top of it a few times a day in the grow spot. this works for a closet grow room and smaller. anything bigger you would just get the whole shabang.


Well-Known Member
im sure someone told you this by now but i dont feal like reading everything to find out:d so if not you can spritz them with carbonated water(club soda) since its just water with co2 in it it works well. also rig a system with a bucket of bakeing soda and a bucket hanging over it to drip viniger into it thus releasing co2 in a time release way. oh and just a breeze and fresh air has well over enuff co2 s you only need to add co2 if you grow somewhere with very bad ventilation and remember that without a breeze blowing directly on the plants they use the co2 thats right around the leives and then have trouble suckung it in from afar so basical a fan blowing on them enuff for them to sway gently is all you need.


Well-Known Member
You can lease co2 tanks from welding/gas supply stores. I lease a 50lb one for $60 a year, cost 17 bucks to feel it up.