Infared Cameras and helicoptors?


Active Member
-thanks everyone for the input so far really helpful.
Dubious06 what kind of thermal goggles do you have? I have night vision here but not infrared. Would like to know your setup. Also anyone else that can produce a picture? and please rep me if you can. Ive been here awhile. Would like the status after my whole grow blog and actually asking a original question.
In college I had a roommate who was in the in the military. I don't remember his rank but he was responsible for weapons caches/depots-- among some other things. He had a lot of "things" in our apartment that I'm pretty sure he wasn't supposed to. After a few years he just up and left, leaving a lot of stuff behind. He never came back for them so now they're in my possession! I figured it was a fair trade since I was stuck paying all the rent and utilities! There aren't any markings on them that tell me who made them, but from what I've found online thermals are crazy expensive. I have a pair of night vision goggles too-- came with C.O.D. Modern Warfare, and they're better than I thought they'd be.

Oh I +rep'd you bud. Good question, cheers.