
Nice word salad.

Tell me more about this new and improved Rob. Is he a hierarchical commie ? A "nonarcho communist"?

He's the next step above you in that he would be just smart enough to know he's a "slave" per his own views, but he'd still be similar to yourself in that he'd still call everyone else a slave while making a mockery of actual slavery.
I lived through the Carter era. Poor Mr. Carter. He really had very few options. I don't think Biden has many either.

I think inflation will abate when the pandemic recedes. My concern is what McConnell will do to make inflation worse.
The House, Senate and Oval Office are without question in the hands of the Democrats. Please explain to us how McConnell has a say in anything?
The House, Senate and Oval Office are without question in the hands of the Democrats. Please explain to us how McConnell has a say in anything?
Because he is in charge of the insurrectionist Republicans that can halt any legislation that is pushed in the senate because it takes 60 votes to pass, so 10 Republicans are needed.

This is why the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has worked so hard over the last half century to create a right wing media empire to brainwash their cult into thinking that the Republicans who have caused a economic recession in every single presidency with shit policies are a good thing for the economy. Because for them to win, all they need to do is stop any legislation that doesn't benefit them the most.
The House, Senate and Oval Office are without question in the hands of the Democrats. Please explain to us how McConnell has a say in anything?
He was successful in stopping BBB & voting rights bills. He already hurt the US credit rating by threatening another shutdown. He doesn't care about wealth inequality, low wages, education or healthcare for Americans. He's fought every single one of those issues, siding with corporations and the wealthy at every turn. He can't do much more about inflation than Biden can other than screwing with the supply chain & keeping the pandemic going, which he does.

You can't expect me to believe McConnell cares about any pain Americans feel over inflation. He & the GOP are absolutely giddy over it. If he had the power he would absolutely prolong it until after the elections.

This administration can't control the Senate with Manchin & Sinema in the pockets of corporations & their own self-interest. Citizens United, the end of the Voting Rights Act, and the rise of fascist populism may kill this democracy.