Info on harvesting....white spots on leaves!!!!!!!

I am curious about harvesting bud with i'm assuming mildew on leaves.....The white spots were on fan leaves and some sugar leaves as well.....I didn't see any mildew on the looks totally different than the bud crystals.....My question is are the buds infected as well? If i don't see it visually on the bud is it ok?.......I'm sure I'm not the first to lose a just be honest with me!!!! I can take it!!! I'm growing outdoors....northern hemisphere....any help is appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
if it's powdery mildew or another fungus, then the whole plant is infected. the parts you see are only the fruiting bodies. they pop up to throw spores into the air. the main part of the fungus is inside the plant.


Well-Known Member
if you don't think it has not spread to the buds yet than it might be ok. personaly i would just use a solvent based extraction method iso or butane and not smoke the bud itself.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Small white or yellow spots are also a telltale sign of Mites. Look at the underside of the leaves in question with a magnifying glass.


White spots on the leaves sounds like powdery mildew. I'd suggest looking at pictures of plants with PM for a cross reference. Mites are also possible, but if they aren't any spots on the underside of the leaves then it could easily be PM.


Active Member
Hydrogen peroxide takes care of PW I have heard. Dont know if it is true, I fortunately have never seen PW. Wish I had something for bud rot though :wall:
bathe it in a bin of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide, to 7 parts water, you may have to adjust the amount of water depending on the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide. afterwards rinse it with a sink, hose, or another bin full of water. then dry in a hot dry environment with lots of air movement, until it isnt soaking wet. be very gentle throughout this process


Well-Known Member
so you think its safe to harvest using solvents but not to smoke?
I guess it just comes down to what you feel comfortable with. PM is not good for your lungs, otoh you've almost certainly done it before and not even known it. pm is very common.


Well-Known Member
The best thing for PM is to foliar spray with straight water with a ph around 8.0+(i usually shoot for 8.5) or a PH under 4.00. The science behind it is that powdery mildew can grow if the ph on the surface of the leaf is outside of its desired range. Nutrient foliar sprays also can help deter PM, but thats more preventative. Products I've used are Green Cure, and sodium bicarbonate (its either baking powder or baking soda i forget), these work also work well but the leafs don't seem to enjoy it to much. I have also tried this stuff called power wash and it works well but i found out its just high ph water with food coloring to trick you. Another note on PM is that once a plants been infected its impossible to get rid of so start a new mom/buy new clones or pop more beans. hope this helps you PMs a bitch.


Well-Known Member
I've cleared pm with myclobutanil, but you don't want to use that in flower. the alkaline water thing works well at least on the part of the fungus thats not inside the plant. tbh i have no idea if the part inside the plant is dangerous or if it's just the spores.


Well-Known Member
yeah some plants are more susceptible for sure. after i got it (infected clone) I treated with myclobutanil (all new plants and clones get it now), which cleared it completely. air circulation definitely makes a big difference.

cancer survivor

Active Member
i use product called captain jack on my plants early in year, no problem with pm, you can buy it at garden store. try it plants like it and dont affect the sweet taste of me buds! arrgh i be talkin like a pirate!