Info on Mephisto seed drops soon.

Just so you know, all of these seeds can get big if given big pots and enough light. Hubbabubba and Ripley's OG are huge. SOH has SODK parent and that has gotten over 12 oz. Mango Smile has gotton over 1 lb(POUND) on Reddit and Samsquash has been a big producer as well.
Neptune has some hubba bubba haze and some others.
I ordered some bubba haze and double grape can you tell me anything about them?
I can tell you that DG routinely tests 27%-28% THC and recently tested over 30%. It is strong. I smoked it and immediately felt buzzed and while not crazy paranoid, i was definitely feeling strange shit was just over the horizon. I layed down in bed and got scared and shot up out of bed cause i couldn't feel my legs. Once i saw they were still there, another 5 minutes i had to shake my body just to remind myself and self aware check on them. You won't find any grape smell or taste, more like earthy/burnt wood. Really strong smoke.
I can tell you that DG routinely tests 27%-28% THC and recently tested over 30%. It is strong. I smoked it and immediately felt buzzed and while not crazy paranoid, i was definitely feeling strange shit was just over the horizon. I layed down in bed and got scared and shot up out of bed cause i couldn't feel my legs. Once i saw they were still there, another 5 minutes i had to shake my body just to remind myself and self aware check on them. You won't find any grape smell or taste, more like earthy/burnt wood. Really strong smoke.
Thank You
Orange Diesel or SODK? I have them both and did the SODK and it was great. I grew it in the summer of 18' and still holding on to about 4-5 grams. It smells like a fresh orange and touch of gasoline. Nice balance, but definitely on the stronger side. It's really good. I haven't been disappointed yet. I've done Ripley's OG, SODK, Chemdogging, Gold Glue, Double Grape, Fantasmo Express, Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Fantasmo x SODK and almost done with a Forgotten Cookies. If i had to give my favs, Ripley's OG is huge, smells like lemon pine sol or pledge and is a super body stone. Great stuff. Fantasmo Express was a subtler lemon, but full on laughing and happy feeling. Party weed #1. It's definitely for a good time socially. DG, Chem, Glue were all good balanced, but leaned twords the stoney side.
Orange Diesel or SODK? I have them both and did the SODK and it was great. I grew it in the summer of 18' and still holding on to about 4-5 grams. It smells like a fresh orange and touch of gasoline. Nice balance, but definitely on the stronger side. It's really good. I haven't been disappointed yet. I've done Ripley's OG, SODK, Chemdogging, Gold Glue, Double Grape, Fantasmo Express, Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Fantasmo x SODK and almost done with a Forgotten Cookies. If i had to give my favs, Ripley's OG is huge, smells like lemon pine sol or pledge and is a super body stone. Great stuff. Fantasmo Express was a subtler lemon, but full on laughing and happy feeling. Party weed #1. It's definitely for a good time socially. DG, Chem, Glue were all good balanced, but leaned twords the stoney side.
How was the yield? I was thinking about growing her.
I grew her and a Chemdogging both in 2 liter hempys to just get a idea of them and they both grew tall for the small size "pot" and i believe to have gotten closer to 3 oz than 2 off the SODK. Don't even believe i topped those 2 cause they grew nice and open on their own. Tall and lanky, but good buds on the branches. She's really something special in the smell department. Fresh orange with just the right touch of gas. I love smelling the jar.
I've got a Mango Smile FINALLY doing her thing. 17 days from breaking ground in a 5 gal of coco(1st time ever using this big) and she's just growing the 3rd node. In the 2 gal she's usually groing the 4th node by this time. I'm going to top her at the 4th, so another week and let her get as big as i can. Hoping for a good 8 oz of this 85% Sativa for the summer.
Orange Diesel or SODK? I have them both and did the SODK and it was great. I grew it in the summer of 18' and still holding on to about 4-5 grams. It smells like a fresh orange and touch of gasoline. Nice balance, but definitely on the stronger side. It's really good. I haven't been disappointed yet. I've done Ripley's OG, SODK, Chemdogging, Gold Glue, Double Grape, Fantasmo Express, Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Fantasmo x SODK and almost done with a Forgotten Cookies. If i had to give my favs, Ripley's OG is huge, smells like lemon pine sol or pledge and is a super body stone. Great stuff. Fantasmo Express was a subtler lemon, but full on laughing and happy feeling. Party weed #1. It's definitely for a good time socially. DG, Chem, Glue were all good balanced, but leaned twords the stoney side.

For an terrific body stone...try growing Roc Bud PP to 12 weeks. With a 6 week cure she's like a muscle relaxer :bigjoint:
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I've got a Mango Smile FINALLY doing her thing. 17 days from breaking ground in a 5 gal of coco(1st time ever using this big) and she's just growing the 3rd node. In the 2 gal she's usually groing the 4th node by this time. I'm going to top her at the 4th, so another week and let her get as big as i can. Hoping for a good 8 oz of this 85% Sativa for the summer.
I hope you'll keep posting pictures of this one along the way, it would nice to see one properly grown, I nearly killed mine. They can take some time, I think I read 90 days is not unusual.