Info on norcal laws


Well-Known Member
In march i plan on moving to norcal (mendo, brentwood, any place really) i dont knw were to begin. first off how many plants can i have, vegging and flowering (indoor and outdoor). also i was wondering how big of a market are baked goods. Basicly i wana grow my garden and smoke my stuff and not havin to worry about getting in trouble. ive read alot of post discourging people on moving to cali, im not trying to open a collective or any thing. I wouldnt mind selling to collectives how hard is it to sell to them an what do they pay for product. (not my plan but just wondering) any info on any of this would be awsome.


Active Member
Any law can change over night.

Mendo is really nice but expensive and I asked last night a person and he said just way to many people already growing. fog and mold issues for outs.
Trinity county, oppressive laws, invest someplace besides there. Nice people, nosy neighbors..(Whites only area)
Humboldt, saturated and is expensive and going Indore now mostly, fog and mold issues for outs.
Redding, well oppressive laws but people have TREES in the yard. (Longest growing time) Can you say emerald rectangle?
Bute county, Oppressive laws OVERTURNED by voters! YEAY!!!
Sonoma county, RUN!!!

Clubs, well they all pretty much suck in norcal area. Line is 6 vender's deep during harvest and they want to pay $800!

You have to watch for the oppressive laws that spring up over night!

Humboldt and mendo and garberville would be my first choice, but getting southern facing land is expensive.
Watch for moldy homes if the home is shaded.


Well-Known Member
thanks itsaplant for that info. humbolt mendo are basicly my first choice but ive been leaning towards stockton, brentwood found some nice houses for decent prices. does any one knw about san joaquin county.


Well-Known Member
thanks itsaplant for that info. humbolt mendo are basicly my first choice but ive been leaning towards stockton, brentwood found some nice houses for decent prices. does any one knw about san joaquin county.
both those places are out in the middle of nothingness.

i'd go northwest 3 hours. ;)

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Pends on what you want
High rent and city living?
Off the map and some growing room?
Remember in Cali you get 10 % w-2 tax and 15% self employed tax FYI

I have lived from North Cali to South Cali Be careful in areas of like Kern County/ Bakersfeild where the D.A is a frikin freak Nazi bastard who needs to be shot but has been voted in 9 times in a row. ( see Netflix-Witchhunt) It has been 25 years since I lived in the North. You can check out San Diego County back by Vista, Country living and warmer nights. Rent aint so bad either. Plus you are skip and a jump from city night life, Casinos, Race track etc.. Hope that helps. Most dispenseries are about 200 an OZ for wholesale. Almost easier to jsut grow your own and skip the hassle. Probably get a Pool route instead. I.D.K?


Well-Known Member
I may have to start looking down south more, ive been looking at house in the humbolt mendo area so expensive. Stockton doesent seem that bad. (looks like good fishin with all the water ways) I wouldnt mind some off map type stuff i have a dirtbike so some back woods would be great. But the only thing im conserned about is having to worry, im not trying to move out here an grow hundreds of plants an get rich i need a change from where im at. thank you to all who have posted an to all who post in the future, you can read so much about a place but only truely know how that place is until you speek to the people. have a growtastic day


Well-Known Member
thanks itsaplant for that info. humbolt mendo are basicly my first choice but ive been leaning towards stockton, brentwood found some nice houses for decent prices. does any one knw about san joaquin county.
That's where I'm at! Stockton is a hell hole, with a super high gang and murder rate! there are plenty of places around stockton that are nice! I have no idea why FDD says they are in the middle of no where! Stockton is an hour from sacramento and and hour and a half from Frisco! and about 2 hours to lake tahoe! I bought my 8year old 2100sq ft house here in the vally for 190k my house payments with taxes and insurance are just under 1k a month!


Well-Known Member
ive been looking more into stockton, i kinda came to that conclusion nogutsgrower wiki said in 2006 it was the worst citie in cali an in 2009 the 5th. ive also looked in to arcata an found some houses in my price range. Kinda sad though your paying what im gona pay for rent, i would love to buy my own house but credit. Also i just watched that movie called the witch hunts, some crazy stuff.
nice thing about mendo and humbolt tho is there practicaly ran and funded by marijuana(really really good marijuana) so u will never get introuble for it. down south sucks (most) people are full of themselves and are assholes. im from yolo were 1hr away from snow and 1hr away from the ocean. what ever you do dont move to davis.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah. good to knw i think humboldt county i think is my destination. ive looked at arcata and loved the area. but nothing is set in stone need to keep rent or land contract to 1000$ a month. being in the middle of no where is much welcome now, i cant wait to move. as i said before thank you everyone for posting this has really helped narrow down that norcal is where i wana move, and if ne one else can post more info about towns that have desent living feel free to post. HAVE A GROWTASTIC DAY EVERYONE.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
thanks itsaplant for that info. humbolt mendo are basicly my first choice but ive been leaning towards stockton, brentwood found some nice houses for decent prices. does any one knw about san joaquin county.
Stockton is way sketchy. I'd stay far away.


Active Member
Visit first, its expensive but guessing better then most areas.
I noticed way to many drunks and tweakers and dont go there as its getting big city issues like hard drugs.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Visit first, its expensive but guessing better then most areas.
I noticed way to many drunks and tweakers and dont go there as its getting big city issues like hard drugs.
It's one of the biggest meth cities in the state. There are huge problems with robberies there due to the tweakers. It's a shit hole.

In Pictures: America's 20 Most Miserable Cities

No. 1 Stockton, Calif.
Unemployment has averaged 14.3% the past three years, which is third worst in the country among the 200 largest metro areas. The housing market collapsed as well, with home prices down 58% over the same time. All the California cities on the list are struggling with the inherent problems the state is facing, including high sales and income taxes and service cuts to help close massive budget shortfalls.