Info. on outdoor growing down in Venezuela


Active Member
I really really need to get info on growing... I can use my back yard, I'm living in China, but I arrive back to Venezuela on February. First, I'll be one week in Amsterdam (where Ill get the seeds)... I want to know about light info, can I start a crop in February at my point of the world (Caracas Venezuela - mountain valleys near the coast, so we are pretty close to the ecuator line)

Need info!!! =)!! PLEASE HELP


Green Thumb of God
You have 12 hours of daylight in Feb out there so it is a good time for flowering but if you want to start a plant out it will have to be indoor.


Active Member
Thanx man! But, When can i Start a outdoor crop? My mother has no problem if I use the backyard, so it's a big money opportunity. When can I start?


Well-Known Member
try searching the web for the daylight times for your area

what sort of setup you looking at
pots, planted in the ground, under glass and are you thinking of using water or incorporating nutrients

also if you go to the dam make shure to get a low smelling seed variety so stay away from skunk and white widow from experience there very smelly good for you to smell bad for you if the neighbours smell it


Active Member
Well the good thing is that my garden goes pretty far away from the houses (its a pretty big old school colony house) I was thinking Arjan's Haze #2, Strawberry Haze, Alaska Ice, White Widow and California Dream. Planning on having 10 plants, all Green House Seeds feminized... Growing in big pots (paint bucket like) just fertilized soil and water with regulated PH... any recommendaton?


Well-Known Member
i would mix some perlite n vermiculite in to help with aeration and water holding or you might get a really soggy compact mess and suffocate the roots


Active Member
YEah of course, its a soil mix... There's a Problem, In Venezuela we have 12 hours or LESS, never get more than 12 hours of light a day... at least in Caracas


Well-Known Member
YEah of course, its a soil mix... There's a Problem, In Venezuela we have 12 hours or LESS, never get more than 12 hours of light a day... at least in Caracas
Your screwed . You'll have to veg indoors then move outdoors to flower. You could get wild seeds that are adapted to equatorial light schedules as an option.


Active Member
I'll just veg. inside than... How many 1 meter flourecent lights do I need for about 12 plantas, than 6 mothers...


Well-Known Member
I'll just veg. inside than... How many 1 meter flourecent lights do I need for about 12 plantas, than 6 mothers...
for the 12 ? minimum 8, 12 would be better, start with less and buy them as you need them. Can you get a HPS light at a hardware store ? Those are cheaper than a bunch of florescents when they get bigger.


Active Member
Thanks man!!! Yeah I;ll get HPS, but I kinda need between 8-12 plants... How bad can they react taking them from veg. stage indoor to flor. stage outdoor


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!!! Yeah I;ll get HPS, but I kinda need between 8-12 plants... How bad can they react taking them from veg. stage indoor to flor. stage outdoor
If you don't do it right you can fry them. Here's how I'd do it if I were you, if this is possible. Grow them outside as long as you can each day then bring them inside for another 8-12 hours whatever you can afford. This would be easier when they're smaller. That way they will be used to full sunlight when you leave them outside permanently. You would have to leave them in a shaded spot for a few days if you can't do the in/out combo. Gradually giving them more sunshine each day. This is called hardening off.


Sector 5 Moderator
Good idea frmrboi; he could maybe get some Panama red or Columbian seeds; man that's some good shit.


Active Member
In colombia they dont dry the weed, they just pack it up after cutting, so Usually it becomes a very dark brown weed and the seeds usually are useless... Im getting 2 outdoor mixes for guerilla (but now that I know the sunlight issue I might not), and packs of 5 fem. seeds from Green Seed House, of: Arjans Haze, Strawberry Haze, Widow, Alaska Ice and California Dream... I might just go indoor, but everytime I see an outdoor crop It just blows me away...


Green Thumb of God
There are probably local strains that are acclimated to the local climate and grow and flower just fine out there but you have to find those and finding a grower in a new country prob ain't easy. FRMBOI had a great suggestion give them as much of that natural sunlight as you can then move them inside before dark. Using that method you could probably get away with using 6-8 of the big CFL for 10 plants.


Well-Known Member
. Im getting 2 outdoor mixes for guerilla (but now that I know the sunlight issue I might not)
yeah, go for the more potent super strains, the outdoor ones are bred more to finish early in 50 degree latitudes like Canada, Europe, & the UK.


Active Member
que paso pana...? im currently living in caracas too. there really arent seasons down here so there is little variation of daylight times. the longest day is in june and it starts getting shorter untill december when the days start to get long again. so unless you dont mind having a big plant, youre gonna have to involve indoor growing. i would not suggest vegging indoors and then bringing out to flower because the environment change might shock the plants. someone else suggested doing part of the day indoor and outdoor. im planing on doing this too. maybe start the plants on a timer at 3 am inside, move them out around 9 when the sun starts to get bright untill 3-6 and finish off inside until 9 at night. then you could just let it flower outside. if youre growing a lot of plants this might be una ladilla but we gotta take advantage of this sun we have down here.