info wanted MILLER 64 ex pills


Well-Known Member
I've seen so many dolphin pills. Car makers are really popular. If I had a dollar for every Ferrari I've taken I could probably rent a real one for the weekend.
I played with my share of explosives as a kid but always with safety in mind and never to hurt anyone or commit a crime.
Beans is an older south FL term based on the people I knew who used it and when.


Well-Known Member
I feel old because when I first did xtc in the late 80's in Florida we use to get old school wafers. Then I remember when pills started to come around a couple years later. I always figured it was because the wafers you could see every thing in them. Literally pick the pill you wanted by the different colored chunks in the wafers. They where deffinately dirty but when you would roll you would know you were rolling. And they were dirty with legit stuff like raw coke, k, unfortunately real dope you know atleast you'd get what you paid for and not just what ever pressed into a shape. The closets I've come since was my first adventure with the moonrocks at Rothbury. Don't get me wrong I love me some sass or other but need to add my own k or l to totally get to where I want to go nowadays. Peace.


Well-Known Member
If you're reffering to MDA as sass then it should already feel kinda psychedelic compared to an equivalent dose of MDMA. Use test kits and reputable sources. There's plenty of good MDMA out there.


Well-Known Member
If you're reffering to MDA as sass then it should already feel kinda psychedelic compared to an equivalent dose of MDMA. Use test kits and reputable sources. There's plenty of good MDMA out there.
I'm with you that's why I like the sass. I use very reliable sources so I know what I'm getting. I don't have your chemical knowledge but have vast experience in all aspects of this life style after 25 years of Raves, Dead tours, Phish tours, And my favorite the local and national festival scene. I lurk around and read a lot of you post and really do appreciate them.


Well-Known Member
Most of what is sold as Molly is far from pure these days. Hell much of it is far from even being MDMA.


Well-Known Member
Almost all of it around here is methylone. It's easily passed to retards because it can look similar to moon rocks.

It's more profitable than MDMA too. You can get a kilo for a couple grand, and sell it for $40-$50 a gram.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen of samples and test results good looking crystals are much more likely to be methylone. Brown MDMA has become a better bet than moon rocks. That makes me very sad. I know brown can be extremely pure, but it could be better so easily. Quality over quantity all day over here.


Active Member
And I'm talking good from proffessor shulgin as the phomocolgy goods and he still doing his thing as inventor of 2c-b not sure bout the whole fam but that one I'm sure of.


Well-Known Member
Nothing ever made it from Sasha's lab into the wild, and he's sadly not doing chemistry anymore. His health is failing.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Best pills I ever had were these TINY little red things, diamond shaped. We called them Pink Champagne... That was 1998. Then a guy in CT did his own press, he called them 'fluffies', quite large but very fragile, not dense at all and absolutely no markings. White and brown freckled. AMAZING.

In 2002 we got these triangular things with a Mitsubishi stamp on them. Don't know what went into those, there was MDMA in it SURE but wow... 14 hours of bouncing off the walls screaming like budgies, that warehouse was going APESHIT...

Haven't had what I'd call go good pill in 10 years. I miss them.


Well-Known Member
And I'm talking good from proffessor shulgin as the phomocolgy goods and he still doing his thing as inventor of 2c-b not sure bout the whole fam but that one I'm sure of.
2cb is way better than MDMA IMO. It's one of my favorites no doubt. Might just be because of the experiences I had on it though. Need to do further research :)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
2cb is way better than MDMA IMO. It's one of my favorites no doubt. Might just be because of the experiences I had on it though. Need to do further research :)
2cb kicks ass. Total and true empathogen. The amount of times I've shared hallucinations with mates on 2cb are too many to be coincidence... And if you can find it pure, the teeniest, tinyest little bump when you come down off lsd just switches the voltage in your brain from 120 to 240. Spectacular stuff.

I got a sample of 2c-t7 sent to me from the UK. This is by far my favourite. I nicknamed it 'holographic MDMA' because that's the best way to describe the stuff. Rushing like on emmels but 3d tangible hallucinations you can PLAY with. My. GODS. To my mind, the perfect drug. Aside from the comedown, holy jesus it's rough. Then again I was smashed on that stuff for an entire 3-day festival. Funny thing, though, came with a warning to give chicks only one fifth the dose. And the doses I took were thin little lines, about twice as wide as a credit card and a little longer than the short end for a pretty strong buzz, and that plus half for the full experience. Holographic X. Wonderful. Gave one TEENY bit to a girl, was so little we mixed it into some coke so at least it was something to sniff at. They weren't kidding. It kicks chicks' asses damn hard.

I want more. Can't find it.


Well-Known Member
Yea we got our pills from korea..dudes had a hair salon set up for was fun while it friend got deported and last I heard he was shot in korea for his involvement...I was just outside his circle to escape any negative actions..wheww!!!


Well-Known Member
Jimmer..I remember the chocolate chips! Big ass thin wafers..split it in 4ths and all four people would roll nutz!


Well-Known Member
Chocolate chips? What exactly did they look like? I've never even heard of "wafer" rolls before. But I never got any until around y2k. I have had strange rolls that were as long and wide as a piece of chalk. Those were strange. Not a wafer though. When I think of wafers I think of the 40mg methadones but I'm an opiophile


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen of samples and test results good looking crystals are much more likely to be methylone. Brown MDMA has become a better bet than moon rocks. That makes me very sad. I know brown can be extremely pure, but it could be better so easily. Quality over quantity all day over here.
Yup methylone is clear as ice from what I've seen. Or it's powder. Real moon rocks are anything from a milky frosty clear color.... to yellowish or brownish. But I've never seen clear mdma moonrocks. The only thing that throws me off is when it's powder form. besides that, I can always know with almost certainty if it's mdma or not by one look or one taste.


Active Member
Yes I def only use reliable sources and the beans around here are legit mostly speed white ice blocks rectangle lightning bolts and skulls faces all white mostly speed n skulls have mda added. I grabbed these bcz. My friend said he loved then I have not rolled since I was 16 lol my girl did the white ones last week and loved them so it was not a worried question jusst informative I havve a vast knowledge of pharmacology but just stick to my pot and some good opiates once in a while :) I appreciate all the responces guys ! But I assume most of u responders are not from canada bcz the worst thing we get around here is some 2C-B mistaken for xtc or pepresine derivatives all respond different but I hate that shit I can't tell exactly what I'm taking mostly by taste by those testing kits are sick I got one on the way :) thx again guys I will post what's in em.