information please


Well-Known Member
Ok ive been told to start new and trow my old plant witch i did not can anyone tell me if the plant looks ok i had to trim buttom leaf's were bad.

If so give or take how many more weeks?

i have 5 new groth big bud is already out :-) 2 of them and one is almost out



New Member
it will be cool just pot it up into a bigger pot and bury it upto the first set of leaves :)


Active Member
that thing has stretched way up there....
the only thing you might have going is that isnt a very large pot so you could try transplanting it into a 3 gallon or bigger and bury it deeper to the first leaves that you saw when it came through the soil. but your light played the only roll in this bad grow so far. You either need more light or you have it way to far away. Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
Why throw it out ??? I'd get a taller pot and less wide..replant deeper and pile dirt up to lower leaves and get more lights..ya it's stretched, but it looks healthy...shit you only toss males..


Well-Known Member
You should repot into a larger container and burry it up to the first set of leaves, like the guys above said.

But make sure that you are solving the problem, so that it doesn't happen again, to either the new seedlings or the plant you'll repot. If the plant is stretching, it either needs more light, a stronger spectrum, or the light needs to be closer.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I concur will the burying part.Now, what kinda light are you using?
Ok ive been told to start new and trow my old plant witch i did not can anyone tell me if the plant looks ok i had to trim buttom leaf's were bad.

If so give or take how many more weeks?

i have 5 new groth big bud is already out :-) 2 of them and one is almost out



Well-Known Member
thats the think i started out just for fun never tought it would work hell i was using 100 watt halogen

now i have (4) 27 watts vision max tensor 6400k each plus neon daylight up the wall with double 48" i turn my pot every day because the light is sideways.

i will be changing pots today.

that plant had 4 sisters the other ones died that one survived plus my cat when in that room and made the plant fall 3 feet and it still lives its got to give me something ;-)

had some help from you guys to get a betetr setup ludacris helped me :-)

also have 430 watts hps light waiting and a moister tester to be sure i dont over watter again :-)


Well-Known Member
looks good do what the above people said.
Transplant to bigger pot,to the bottom nodes, and it should be fine.
How high is the light from the plant?