Inglorious Basterds


Well-Known Member
From the previews I thought it was gonna be a bad ass action thriller. Then I started watching it and it was fucking boring. Something interesting happened every hour or so for a few minutes then right back to the same boring shit.
Every hour or so for a few minutes? How fucking long is this movie?


Well-Known Member
I dunno how you can say that about one of the best movies, it was awesome. just not a tarantino fan or what?


Well-Known Member
awwww maaaannn..... subtitles?!?!

i really wanted to see this movie too. my friend just came over and sai he really liked it and would go see it again.

the subtitles part reminds me of miricle at st. anna movie. i redboxed it not knowing it was ALL pretty much a book in movie form. it looked like a great movie but subtitles put me to sleep...


Active Member
I saw it and thought it was good. IMHO not Tarantino's best work but still good. The movie has the same classic Tarantino feel too it. Probably why some people say its boring and dumb. Tarantino flaunts his movies with character small talk. One trait that I love about his style.

I give it a thumbs up and will be in my Blu-ray collection when its released.


Well-Known Member
Lol you are on a forum reading thread after thread but you can't read shit while watching a movie? That makes no sense dude


Well-Known Member
Herm...ok i saw it. You people are of the best movies i've seen. Just because you all have the attention span of a 2nd grader doesn't make it a bad movie. One of his my opinion they're all amazing. Pulp Fiction is my favorite.


Well-Known Member
im on here to read.

when i watch a movie im there to watch and listen.

listening, watching, and reading is too much for my one track mind.


Staff member
i dled it but the was no english subtitles so i seen all of like 30 mintues in total that i could understand and that was brad pitt and the people speakign english ill have to download it again once its got english subs