inhalant qs


Active Member
wuts goin on... my brothers been usin inhalants frequently.. just found a bag with 20 empty cans and im tryin to find the deal from users and not some government bull shit

is this stuff addictive... as in is it as addictive of coke or somethin that can be used controllably like weed? also what does it do... do u get high, trip whats the deall... thanks guys
inhalants like dusters or cool whip can are a really crazy high, it only last for 10 minutes at the most just like crack. but its not addictive but if you take to much your lungs will freeze and you die


Well-Known Member
herion, cocain, meth and a bunch of other drugs are healthier for you and less addictive than the "hardcore" inhalents.... propane gas, butane gas, petrol, spray paint, etc

as someone who almost killed themselves from this shit, take this advice... get them off it.... i was pretty much an A grade studet, even smoking dope, then i was just dumb as fuck.... thanks inhalents


yeah it really fucks with your brain cells..
if he's gotta do it, get him to use whip-its. even that's pretty dangerous.

i was at party with a bunch of friends when i was in high school. there was this kid who was really into inhalants and he was using them at the party. we went inside to have a bowl and when we came back out onto the deck, he was dead in the pool and the water was dark red with blood. he had a brain aneurism


Well-Known Member
INHALANTS kill... ONE GOOD puff and damn you knocked unconscious and your head goes BAM on the concrete!

iTS best to talk to him if he looks overly strung out... but god damn, 30 empty catridges... talk to him... now that shit seriously kills brain cells!


Well-Known Member
INHALANTS kill... ONE GOOD puff and damn you knocked unconscious and your head goes BAM on the concrete!

iTS best to talk to him if he looks overly strung out... but god damn, 30 empty catridges... talk to him... now that shit seriously kills brain cells!

my brother(back in the day) had taken paint off a car trailer with the side of his face, smashed a BBQ appart(by falling face first on it) and well a list of all other shit.... we were bad on the shit... get him away from it.... shit id prefer to be a crackhead than huff that shit....


fuck inhalants dont get me wrong it gets u high as fuck but its not that fun ive seen friends get way too fucked up on inhalants.

Big P

Well-Known Member
true that hiflya

get him off that shit asap

sounds like hes got a problem, 20 cans? fuckin' A man thats a lot of poison hes suckin downbongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
wuts goin on... my brothers been usin inhalants frequently.. just found a bag with 20 empty cans and im tryin to find the deal from users and not some government bull shit

is this stuff addictive... as in is it as addictive of coke or somethin that can be used controllably like weed? also what does it do... do u get high, trip whats the deall... thanks guys

damn it says you joined in November 2008 and now 1 year 3 months later you make your first post

come on in and enjoy the party:weed:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Are we talking about Nitrous?

"20 empty cans"

That sounds like whippets to me.. if that is the case, it is fine (not dangerous).

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Are we talking about Nitrous?

"20 empty cans"

That sounds like whippets to me.. if that is the case, it is fine (not dangerous).
good question. I was thinking of spray paint cans and remembered one friend I have. He'd spray it in a bag and inhale. Shit, his face was always discolored from the paint cause he'd do it all the time, and not care about washing it off. He said he liked it there because he could possibly get more as he just breathed. He went from a smart stoner to a total burn out in about a month. His parents got him to stop thank god but he's just seemed off since. He was doing it very heavily too.
Crazy thing is he started because of a school project, used rubber cement in a closed room and got high from it, found a group of friends who liked inhalants, burned out his money and brain.

Always remember though moderation. Try and push that through your brothers head, the last thing you want is someone that close to you get all fucked up for a long time, possibly life


Well-Known Member
ohhh man... inhalants. i had a little stint with these about 5 months ago. i would get them at the corner store (air duster! STUPID FUCK I AM HUH!) and couldnt even wait to get back to my place. id do it as i walked. i would routinely wake up on the side of the street not knowing how long i been out. one of the last times i did it i was shit faced drunk and did it. passed out and woke up to people shaking me. a taxi guy drove me to my place and said my head was hanging off the curb into the road and i coulda got killed. he gave me a free ride but my wallet was stolen. plus not to mention all the bruises i got on my skull and bumps and chipped teeth from just walking and passing out and whacking my head on the sidewalk.

and boy after a while i felt retarded. that shit burns you out FAST.


Well-Known Member
just to give you an idea of how burnt i was: i couldnt even talk in complete sentences. i would say 2 words literally and stop cuz i couldnt form whole sentences and thoughts in my head. the valium i was strung out on probably didnt help either. and the kpins i was hooked on also... man 1st semester was rough.

Big P

Well-Known Member
just to give you an idea of how burnt i was: i couldnt even talk in complete sentences. i would say 2 words literally and stop cuz i couldnt form whole sentences and thoughts in my head. the valium i was strung out on probably didnt help either. and the kpins i was hooked on also... man 1st semester was rough.

you aint kiddin :o

id tell you to take a chill pill for a lil while but i think you have had enough pills:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
tell him to do pharmaceutical nitrous oxide if he must do inhalants at all. i was getting 50 lb. tanks filled for a few years from a crooked dentist and selling/huffing balloons non-stop at shows. i was "phishing out" and doing "face plants" almost daily. It will fry your brain temporarily but, its not near as dangerous as paint, ether, airduster, toluene or glues. btw-- i have found and seen that MOST inhalants are extremely addictive in most cases, the nickname of nitrous became "hippy crack" for a reason.


Well-Known Member
I also havent done any inhalants since 2003 and wouldnt touch them anymore....... there is nothing good that will come from me.