inhalant qs


Well-Known Member
the kid is 14 years old and his older brother is hiding a grow. how will they explain the 50 lb tank in the corner of the room?


Active Member
he is seriously better of shooting dope.

Agreeable ..

It is a sad thing whatever leads you to "under the sink drugs"

Depending on who it is & if they have self-control or not, it is very bad, worse than crack & heroin. Not typically, because there isn't physical dependencies, but you can sure build one if you think it will & simply don't care about yourself & the others around you..

Like said previously, give him some dope chronic.. That'll take his mind off it hopefully. I have dealt with friends using this government made product, & I seen what it does to people.

Yes, if enough is induced you can hallucinate, quiet comparable to LSD but they are short & you actually think it's happening instead of knowing what is false & what is real.


Well-Known Member
hopefully he can stop them and have no reason to explain to anyone what a tank or empty cans are doing around the house. I was just sharing my past experience and stating that nitrous is less dangerous than MOST inhalants. I didnt know the details of his age and living arrangements. I think everyone agrees that he needs to stop


Well-Known Member
i was caught passed out with a 9KG bottle of LPG leaking in my arms....

most embarrasing thing in my life....

and man... ive done some really embarrassing things...


Well-Known Member
I have stupidly tried when very young and stuck at camp huffing gas and recently have tried sativa and have to ask you to tell any huffer to smoke some 50x sativa or stronger and maybe that would be healthier and definitely gets you higher I tripped harder than some of my lsd excursions. Inhalants are so just damaging man its amazing what we do when there simply is no weed around. If they wont smoke weed make them try the sativa once while your lecturing it may save them personality wise. After your spent like that I dont think you come back


Well-Known Member
SALVIA!!!!!!! not sativa, mind you, I saw a guy talking about smokeing saliva...


Active Member
"20 cans" definitely sounds like whippits and wont really do any harm and is probably just a phase he is going through. as long as he doesnt keep using them all of the time he should be fine

in high school me and my friends went through a phase with the canned air, man that is some crazy shit but does get you burned out really fast


Active Member
hey thanks alot guys... i tried to talk to him... but hes in denial.. we;ll see how he his hes in skool in philly... im telllin him to juss toke L and drink a few beers if u wanna get fucked up but everyone is different


Oracle of Hallucinogens
smoke his ass up and give him a speech about how inhalents arent healthy.. maybe he'll listen


Well-Known Member
lol... give him my number... with some of the stories ive got hell be off the shit in a week (or if hes a self destructive person ill probably make him worse and give him ideas lol)


Well-Known Member
lol... give him my number... with some of the stories ive got hell be off the shit in a week (or if hes a self destructive person ill probably make him worse and give him ideas lol)

we all got stories... thats why were here. tell him to stop :)