injunction/court case updates

They havent even figured out how the kid got the brownie but here it is already being used in court.
Awesome how convienent that was to help prove rheir point in court.
Smelled like a rat when it happened and yup still does
It's as though he's trying to point out to buddy how ridiculous his arguments are...64 out of thousands that the judge knows WERE NOT HARMED JUST HIGH. I said a whole ago I was glad this was in Vancouver...Rona more than like helped us by trying to tell Vancouver, where our judge lives, that what they want to do is no good....he knows it's good...SC...cookies will be the next one ticked off!
This trial has sure been trying the patience of the judge I would bet.
He can see the lack of any real evidence on the crowns part . The crown fabricated the case from thin air and the judge can see that for sure.