Inline fan silencers... what brand is the best?

I run an 8in exhaust and 6in intake in a 10.5x10,5ft room and it never sees past the first 2 levels. I turned the exhaust up max when I built the room for giggles and it was hard to open the door. They move air. Noise was still contained to grow room and the exhaust duct end itself
I would love to see you guys mention wattage and temperatures you control with such low levels of yours fans :). I runned AC inf 6 on level 6 (~420 m3/h) in 2x4 with 300 watts to get 10f/~5c difference beetwen intake and inside temperature
I would love to see you guys mention wattage and temperatures you control with such low levels of yours fans :). I runned AC inf 6 on level 6 (~420 m3/h) in 2x4 with 300 watts to get 10f/~5c difference beetwen intake and inside temperature
Can hand be a good measurement device? Because if i put my hand in a tent with level 6, I don’t think it’s more than 20c, of course lights are 200w, same tent same ac inf6. It’s chilly back there, (does anyone runs on max level?), it sounds like a fridge warehouse fans, (as of living i. The same room woth a tent, could be used as an alarm)
And right now, in seedling setting is set on two (practically silent), led power is on 25%, and it’s colder than my always hot room
P.s. again check your (extra) ventilator fans, having one straight on leds chill it a lot.
Hand is not good device cause ur feeling will change with humidity level (the drier the air more water from your skin cools you). But thanks :). Yep indeed i need to set up good circulating fans - i think i would set up those pointing upwards blowing above canopy level - to push hot air from light away from plants)

under 2x 650watt hlg @40% currently
I would love to see you guys mention wattage and temperatures you control with such low levels of yours fans :). I runned AC inf 6 on level 6 (~420 m3/h) in 2x4 with 300 watts to get 10f/~5c difference beetwen intake and inside temperature
I would love to see you guys mention wattage and temperatures you control with such low levels of yours fans :). I runned AC inf 6 on level 6 (~420 m3/h) in 2x4 with 300 watts to get 10f/~5c difference beetwen intake and inside temperature
Where are you exhausting just outside your tent?
Fans move air not cool it. If your dumping into tent room is why you have temp issues imo
Jesus i just ask to know what temps people have with their set ups and fans cfm… out of straight curiosity. Yeah indeed i am exhausting air from tent with air conditioner and i cool it with fan lol, i live in a different dimension where physics are flipped 180 degree
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Just got the upgrade, 71-72 degrees under 200w at 30% with no oscillation and it’s jumping between 2-3 speeds, gotta buy humidifier though,B82FDDD5-31C7-4CA9-950D-C3074FD05D2A.jpeg