Input for a 1sq foot micro grow needed pls :)


Active Member
So, I got only 1 sq foot of space in a cupboard that's only 2 cubic feet in volume.

I intend to start a small stealth grow, scrog, will one plant be able to thrive in these conditions or is it gona be too tight?

I'm gona go bubleponics with 3 23W CFLs and a couple of PC case fans
Co2 will be given to the plants non-stop via yeast bottle.

I have the following seeds:

G13 Labs - Blue Venom
G13 Labs - Pineapple Express
Barney's Farm - LSD

Which of these do you recommend I start with? Keeping in mind I have to Scrog, I will also FIM and LST.

Also what do you think I can (reasonably ofc) expect to yield from this if there are no hiccups in the process?

Will start a journal once all the parts are gather and everything swings in motion.

Many thanks!


Active Member
Should work out for you. I would go with the pineapple, they tend to be shorter and bushier. The more light the better once she is three weeks old or so. Good luck and good growing


Active Member
My first indoor grow was in a clothing hamper about about that size lol. I yeilded about 1/4 oz, but I also was using the wrong lights for the first couple weeks and transplanted like 3 or4 times so that really stunted growth. I think I used about 100w of light.