Input needed 30 days into grow (hi-res pics inside)


Good day to you all at RIU! hopefully you guys can help me out with some things. all thats needed is some input. here it goes

Lighting: (question) I currently have a 600 watt HPS light, when can we swtich to light schedule 18on- 6 off? Right now, i have the HPS on for 5 hours a day and the flourescent 40watt lamps on for 23hrs and off for 1.

Instruments: (question) What should the PPM be at this level of growth? and how can i regulate it?

Nutrients: Currently we have half a teaspoon in a gallon of h2o (pictured) and the pH level is 6.2. Model: Milwaukee pH reader.

Tall plant is original strain 'CHRONIC' and is 29 days old (pictured with water bottle). It was flimmed at day 25.

Other plants are 'AURORA INDICA' and 'FULL MOON' (which i might add, smells magnificent already), and those are only 19days old.

Now with that being said, will the HPS (when it goes 18-6), be bad for other plants than the chronic strain since its 10 days older???

i am pretty impressed at my set up and everything is going smoothly right now. temps in room stay from 82 during day and 74 at night. one kickass air conditioning unit, one warehouse fan, and 2 mounted 7'' fans pointing down at the plants. I am pretty sure the circulation is working some magic.

So any input on the plants and this thread will be greatly appreciated. thanks for viewing and help in advance!!!



and about the 'flimming'..... thats amazing that one flim can turn into some outstanding future colas! you can see them in 0414 picture (6 of 7). :) im so happy that these babies are starting to smell reeeeeal nice


Well-Known Member
PPM is important for Hydro, not so much for soil, but you still want a good water source. RO water or distilled water, but you can still grow fine with tap water thats had the chlorine evaporated out of it.

Your ph is too low. Calcium and Magnesium can get locked out below 6.5. Get it to 6.5 at least and you should do better. Id shoot for 6.5-6.8 overall.

I wouldn't be worried about the 11 day difference between plants as long as you continue to veg for awhile which it looks like you really should. You're plant is on the small side. When you do decide to flower you'll need to separate them or put them all into flowering at the same time.

It seems like your fan placement is a bad idea. How high above the plants is it? I get the idea you're just blowing hot air back down at them. I keep my fan at the canopy to blow cooler air across them. Having a slight angle to blow cool air up and across them seems best.

Btw its FIM'd :)


about the fans... they are mounted on a shelf hovering the plants. about 6 ft up. blowing towards walls to circulate air. the air condition unit is on the floor and is about 3 ft tall with the fins pointed down so the plants get enough cool air while the mounted fans go gainst the walls to create circulation.

fim'd, not flimmed... got it :)

and ill be sure to try and get that pH up a little bit.

here i am thinking that this room and grow is going awesome, you have seemed to turn it into not going so awesome :( i guess just a couple fixer ups and it will be golden


fimming! (i stand corrected) :bigjoint:
and about the 'flimming'..... thats amazing that one flim can turn into some outstanding future colas! you can see them in 0414 picture (6 of 7). :) im so happy that these babies are starting to smell reeeeeal nice


thanks for the input dude. you mention they are stunted?? i noticed that with my full moon #1 (#2 is twice its size) and i think its a runt. overall, how would i make it not so stunted???
lookin good.. just a little stunted.. but looks healthy. get that ph right


Well-Known Member
about the fans... they are mounted on a shelf hovering the plants. about 6 ft up. blowing towards walls to circulate air. the air condition unit is on the floor and is about 3 ft tall with the fins pointed down so the plants get enough cool air while the mounted fans go gainst the walls to create circulation.

fim'd, not flimmed... got it :)

and ill be sure to try and get that pH up a little bit.

here i am thinking that this room and grow is going awesome, you have seemed to turn it into not going so awesome :( i guess just a couple fixer ups and it will be golden

Heh. Didn't mean to rain on your parade. Maybe the plants a bit of a runt, but most likely its needs just aren't being met to the level it needs.

Ive got a few runts in my grow, and Im sure I could have done things better to improve their growth.

Its all about learning and improving. Eventually we'll both get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're off to a good start! They are a little bit on the small side, but I think you'll find once you throw more light at 'em, they'll pick up pretty quickly. I would wait until your youngest plant is two weeks old, then fire up that 600w. The lighting schedule, however, is a totally seperate issue than the light itself - you can change to 18/6 any time you're ready.
How did FIMming go for you? Personally I found it to be a pain in the ass, and largely unsuccessful. For future grows, this is soooo much easier:
Works like a charm. Here's a pic of one of my six week olds, she was topped using this method at three weeks old.
I'm pulling up a chair to watch your grow - been thinking about trying out Chronic.
Good luck!:peace:



doeyed- your plant looks amazing. i just want to eat it :lol: haha. anyways, you say that plant is 6 weeks old?? how is my chron only 2 wks behind yours and its not even CLOSE to that. i am measuring all of my pH levels right now to get my maxigrow up to 6.5. hopefully thatll boost these babies' growth. i have started the 18-6 lighting so maybe that would help too. i have learned that my 40 watt flours arent very efficient so my next batch will be 75 watt cfls??? ikts weird bc my FULL MOONs are super skunky right now and its not even close to the level of my chronic strain. keep me posted in your growing bc seriously that plant is just.... whoa! thanks for the input and a picker upper man
Looks like you're off to a good start! They are a little bit on the small side, but I think you'll find once you throw more light at 'em, they'll pick up pretty quickly. I would wait until your youngest plant is two weeks old, then fire up that 600w. The lighting schedule, however, is a totally seperate issue than the light itself - you can change to 18/6 any time you're ready.
How did FIMming go for you? Personally I found it to be a pain in the ass, and largely unsuccessful. For future grows, this is soooo much easier:
Works like a charm. Here's a pic of one of my six week olds, she was topped using this method at three weeks old.
I'm pulling up a chair to watch your grow - been thinking about trying out Chronic.
Good luck!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks! No worries - take pics of your girls once a week for comparison, it's hard to tell when you see them every day, but side by side you'll be amazed at the difference every week brings. If you look at my Trainwreck photo album under my profile, you can see like four or five weeks all at once - it's kind of amazing how fast they change. Here's a pic of the same plant at four weeks - big difference, eh? Always remember that an extra week does make a difference! And I veg with CFL's, your 600w should do you even better! You can check out my current grow in my sig, if you like. Won't be putting up new pics until Sunday night.
Don't get rid of that fluoro tube though, it's great for the first two weeks of life, until they are strong enough to handle the big light - will help keep 'em from stretching.:peace:



damn my baby chron looks nothing like that. but then again its a whole diff strain and shit. thanks for your help man. also, i was reading that the plant super thrive is very good. turns out that i have some of that and just starting it now. seems like i should have started all this about a week ago. but like you said, trial and error. always learn!


Well-Known Member
damn my baby chron looks nothing like that. but then again its a whole diff strain and shit. thanks for your help man. also, i was reading that the plant super thrive is very good. turns out that i have some of that and just starting it now. seems like i should have started all this about a week ago. but like you said, trial and error. always learn!
lol That's funny - I was just talking about the Superthrive in another thread. Yep all you need is one drop per gallon of water, people say you can use more but why if you don't need to? However - don't use it in flower, it can cause flowering times to lengthen (according to the Grow FAQ). I can't say for sure - but rather be safe than sorry.

Yep different strains look different. Oh, and I topped mine to get four colas, at three weeks old. Here she is then, before the topping. That might be the difference you're talking about. You planning on topping any of yours?

