inquiring minds want to know


i am a first time grower this season and have been reading and watching grow vids. i have 5 plants in my back yard, 1 in a five gallon bucket( tomorrow it will be 9 weeks old) , another in a 1.5g pot(roughly 2 months old) and the last three in smaller assorted pots(all i know is what date the seeds went into the pots... 4-6 weeks ago) {all mystery seeds}. since i don't have job, this summer, i am using soil from a friends garden. i have just been giving them tap water that has sat out. when i get a job ill give them nutes. next season i am going to prepare a site and grow more plants. ive got a few questions at the moment. more will come. so will pics. id like to have a successful grow under my belt before i try to go big. all advice is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance members of ЯIU

1. when does flowering begin in s.e. pennsylvania ¿?
2. if a plant is a hermaphrodite, will taking the pollen sacs/male branches off save the buds ?
3. what is supper cropping ?
4. i am not sure of any of my 5 plants sex. is there a way to ensure that they turn female besides starting with clones ¿¿¿


Well-Known Member
flowering begins when the the summer nights get shorter
no you can not cut pollon sacks off,they will grow back twice as many.
super croping is snaping the branches,so that they break but still stay atached to the plant and keep growing at the snaped position.
only by clones or femanisied seeds.


Well-Known Member
I have a suggestion since you can't afford nutes. You can use urine, diluted 50 to 1 at first and work up to 10 to 1. Sounds gross I know, but it will supply nitrogen, phosphorus, and some trace elements. It will also help keep animals away when you are growing outside. Remember though, it MUST be diluted unless you plan on using it as a WEED KILLER!


My advice to you is to transplant those plants into bigger pots asap. Your biggest pot right now is 5 gallons which a lot of people would say is small for outdoor grows. At least try to get the other four into bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
correction: flowering begins when the summer days get shorter, and nights get longer. about 12 hours of daylight. dont stress out your plants alot and you will have better chances of not getting hermaphrodites. a healthy 2 month old plant will be a few-several feet tall, but a 1.5 gal will definitely not max its potential...:hump:
well its wednesday june 30. 2010. and i started some a few weeks ago and i just topped one of them and im just not sure wether or not to leave it out in the sunlight. any input? i know they will be small then most thats why i topped it. im planning on just cloning the buds so they will be individual buds growing. i have 6 babies. and i figure get at least 20 buds per plant or more. im planing on topping each 2 or 3 times. but idk. whats your thoughts?


would cutting all the branches off 1 of my plants and trying to clone them work ? or does it have to be a mother plant?
it doesnt have to be a whole to clone all you have to do is get like rooting hormone. root tone. or anything like that and just take a leaf and follow it to where it connects to the branch and just cut it at a angle and dip the cut part into the root tone. rooting hormone. or whatever then into water then into the root tone or rooting hormone again then put it in the dirt and just set it to where it stands up by itself and water it. just be careful when watering. if you need better directions im damn sure youtube has some videos on it.