insanely ghetto bedroom growbox


Active Member
whats up everybody, just thought id set myself up for some ridicule here. this is a first time grow basically to see how hard it is to do. trying not to invest too much into it if it ends up being a failure, but I did order some flexable light adapters so what im going to do is bend 5 40watt cfls down from those lamps and hang like 4 in the center giving me 8 total. sprouted some bag seed in hopes of putting some clones into flower and coming up with at least ONE female. Any obvious problems here that i'm missing? Ive got a fan going on em to push the air around but cant really put it inside. Prob I've been running into is keeping the temp down.



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lol its hard negotiating around all that string, plus as I lowered the lights I had to put a little more foil on there, but when i get a little bit more of a permanent or easily adjustable situation here Im planning on fixing it up. Do you think I'd do just as well for light with just the white ceiling as I would with foil?


Well-Known Member
No no no no no

First off I want to say 2 things before giving you tips:
1. If you are growing in your parents house, don't. If you get caught, your parents could lose all their money, cars, house(s) and even their jobs depending on where they work.
2. If you are growing in a house with minors, it can be bumped up to first degree felony along with child endangerment charges.

I'm not trying to piss you off but someone has to throw it out there in a non-asshole way.

Now throw that tinfoil away and go get mylar (or emergency blankets if you can't do mylar)
What size area are you working with? If you go on craigslist you can find free furniture and then you could turn it into a grow box. Imma post a link in a second showing a grow box I made from a metal frame dresser, cardboard boxes from the liquor store, emergency blankets, zip ties, duct tape and some command Velcro strips.


Active Member
what's with the no no no no no's?? parents house lol - nope I'm pretty minors in my house either I know the law too and have plenty of experience with legal stuff. The purpose of the box other than pseudo stealthiness is that I want to be able to shield the light. space isn't really an issue. this tv stand-box was just already here. I was thinking about using an old dresser I have - but a wardrobe or something would work out really well. If everything goes ok I'll be glad to have "growing too big" as a problem. I really thought I'd give this a try after seeing this dude's: you tube dot com slash watch?v=JJv_n-dU20k and saw that something of this scale was actually doable. Basically if I can keep their health up for a month or so and I come up with a female, then I can justify going deeper out of pocket for this deal, and I'd probably be really motivated to do so then. But you gotta tell me, other than the foil and the fact that CFLs are known to suck shit for growing, what are the other NO NO NOs for? I really appreciate any input, I expect to have to batter away some shit talk by posting such a novice setup but I really just want to see how hard growing really is - this is a test-run of sorts.but I gotcha on the Mylar, I'l probably grab a pack of those emergency blankets, I think they're like $5.
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Well-Known Member
If you can follow directions you can grow weed. Since you have the space just get a 4x4 tent and 600w


Active Member
Dont waste time in that set up fucking about get a proper tent, intake,exhaust,filter,hps and do a proper run through. Its how i started out. I see that as a waste of time even if it is your first attempt.
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No, they are right... This is kinda on the same level (kinda!) as setting the seedling on your window sill.... the life support structure they need, is simply not there, they will grow into death.

As someone who's gone both routes, building and buying grow space.... I personally recommend buying when possible. (or a combo) But a 4x4 or even a 6x4 to 6x6 tent. Build a smaller area 2x4 inside there for your veg area. (I set my buddy up w/ a 6x6x6.5 tent, and a 2x2x4 inside that, w/ T5's for the veg room. 600w HPS in the main area for flowering.

Whole lotta fans..... filter/carbon etc. if actual stealth is your goal, if you just dont want 20hrs of light shining at you, tents should be find w/o them, but i suggest venting tent heat outside. This keeps smell down, home temps down, and helps maintain a fresh air flow into the tent, keeping fresh CO2 for your babies.

(If its all CFL/LED low heat stuff... just get a CO2 regulator n a tank, keep that bitch sealed up)

The tin foil thing your getting chewed for..... Aluminum foil reflects both light and heat, and gets those pesky wrinkles n crinkles so easy.... can easily cause hot spots to be reflected onto, and burn your plants. Cooks them... cuz aluminum foil, is for cooking. Mylar reflects over 90% of light that hits it, but only a tiny fraction of the heat.

For the size......reflector.... youre building.... go get one of the shiny birthday balloons from the local shop, razor blade the very edges... cut a hole in the center big enough for a lightbulb socket... poof, its a reflector, lol.

Using CFL's... if the bulb looks like youd put it into any lamp in your home without cocking your head to the side and lifting an eyebrow.... its too small. Go 150w equiv. or better, none of that 13/27 watt silliness. More power, your playing God here, you need to make the sun, not the moon.

Lose the cockeyed lamps as soon as the budget allows, get something cheap n simple til you go HID. Like a clamp reflector for pet lights. (eliminates need for reflector, so u can use mylar to line walls.

As for what you actually asked for..... IF you determined to stick with it, just outta pride, and to see what it can do.... (I'd understand that, its a guy thing...) Assuming you are opening this thing at least 1-2x a day to vent out the humidity, and check/change.... Why not drop 2-3 bottles of water in the freezer.... stick a frozen one in the room each morning, and each bedtime.... Obviously this is gonna add a bit of humidity, youll want the bottle standing in a small bowl for condensate to drip to, and a fan blowing across it, breathing cool air into the bulbs/plants.

The more airflow on the plants, the better. I gave 6" fans aimed at my 125w CFLs (NOT 125w equiv's...) and they stay downright cool to the touch now. I actually forgot about a plant last week, its got a tiny burn on a leaf.... I had to pull the branch out of the bulb, n thats all the damage it took.

Case fans/USB fans are great if you are space limited. more fans, lots more fans :) Its always good... too hot? more fans. Too humid? More fans! Stankin the place up? Big ass fan, point it out the roof with a filter on the starting end!


Active Member
Here's an update. Still the same box but I removed the foil (which I suppose was pretty ridiculous. no useful purpose and a pain in the ass anyway). I put an exhaust fan in there. Its a really cool window fan. really gentle, has a filter, and can switch from intake to exhaust. This one thing made such a difference. Seemed like bringing dead seedlings back to life. Almost positive it was because of heat that they seemed a little dried up. There are a couple traps for the wayward gnat I see every now and then (don't need those). I definitely plan on getting something bigger now. Fortunately the room I'm setting up in has direct access to the attic crawlspace through the closet. Unfortunately I jumped the gun a little bit and am having to upgrade as I go, but I still plan on seeing it through. Just got to get a bigger gowspace. And the idea here is just for 1 or 2 plants, so setting up a tent doesn't feel like the most practical thing, unless it was a few feet by about 6". I suppose I could put something together myself. I never realized how early these plants smell like pot btw. Thanks for the input Flagg420.


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