

Well-Known Member
anything they say u could put on vegetables. Organics are prefered. I like neem oil but I DNt think they have it there.


Active Member
4 garlic cloves ,1/2 white onions , 2 shot glasses cyanne pepper powder , 1/4 cup vinager, 1/2 a cigarett ,, 1 tbspn bleech , 1 tblespn rubbing alcohol ,,, mix all these into a pot bring to a boil , let cool & set for a day or two , pour on ya babies ,, works fine for me everytime .... also ,, moth balls , sand & cedar chips mixed & about 2 inches thick on top ya soil works too.. ,, try to wrap aluminum foil about as long & wide as a pencil , wrap tight around teh base of ur stem ,, keeps crawling insects from goin up.... ps ,, mince up them garlic cloves & onions


Active Member
thanks alot. by the way, how high were you when you started just throwing all kinds of shit into a pot to come up with this concoction. lol