Inside/outside growing

i am growing my first plants and have been moving them from inside at night to outside during the day, this is just until they out grow their peat pots. the are in shaded light most of the day from 9 till about 7. then they are under the light until 12 and then it comes back on at 4 and then i move the plants out when i get up and water them. does anybody have nay experience with this sort of growing? btw im using all organic soil mix with pearlite, vermiculite, peat moss, and worm castings. my light is a 400w hps bulb. and im feeding them right now with foxfarms growbig vegetative mix.

also on a side note im having a small pest problem. i found some fermenting onions in my kitchen and it bred a whole bunch of fruit flies. well some of them have migrated up to my closet. will they do any harm? and any advice for getting rid of them?


Active Member
For fruit flies fly strips work alright, and if you're bringing your plants in and out if you have any you are leaving indoors then you're going to have pests going between the plants, and maybe around your grow area so it can affect future plants too...


Unless they are seedlings I wouldn't bother moving them around, when I was a newbie I used to do that shit aswell even when it was well into vegetative state. The only reason I still do keep my seedlings indoor until it starts to get established is because they are so vulnerable to dying, bugs, drying out from the sun, etc...
So if its got a few nodes on it (the spacing on the main stem between each sets of leaves) just keep it in the one place. If u intend on keeping it outside then u defo want to put it some where with a lot more direct sunlight aswell, it will grow much quicker. U want atleast 5 hrs of direc sunlight.


Also with it pest problem, yes, u wanna fuck them off asap. Just get a insecticide spray will do the trick.
thanks, i think im just gonna keep them under the light from now on and i will also try the spray and the strips
also they are still seedlings only about 2 ish weeks in the soil


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry the fruit flies too much,and i think the hps will do more good than shaded outside.GL tho