To practice mindfulness of the body, you might like to lie down and practice total relaxation.
Allow your body to rest, and then be mindful of your forehead.
"Breathing in, I am aware of my forehead. Breathing out, I smile to my forehead."
Use the energy of mindfulness to embrace your forehead, your brain, your eyes, your ears, and your nose.
Every time you breathe in, become aware of one part of your body, and every time you breathe out, smile to that part of your body.
Use the energies of mindfulness and love to embrace each part.
Embrace your heart, your lungs, and your stomach.
"Breathing in, I am aware of my heart. Breathing out, I embrace my heart."
Practice scanning your body with the light of mindfulness and smiling to each part of your body with compassion and concern.
When you finish scanning in this way, you will feel wonderful. It takes only half an hour, and your body will rest deeply during those thirty minutes.
Please take good care of your body, allowing it to rest and embracing it with tenderness, compassion, mindfulness, and love.
- Thich Nhat Hanh