instant BUZZKILL


Active Member
so i was driving through the neighborhood yesterday, just to get a pack of cigarettes and some food. my car's registration/tags have expired, but when i went to the dmv, i was told it would take an additional week for my tax payment to clear, so just avoid driving if at all possible until i can come back, and everything will be cool. so for the last week, i've driven a total of 4.5 miles, and only for a prescription and some food.

before i made my expedition, my boyfriend comes home with our weekly bag, and goes "dude, you'll grow antlers." we smoked half a bowl, and i really was growing antlers. i'm driving down the road, listening to lupe fiasco, thinking that this is probably one of the best highs i've ever had, and i've been consistently smoking for about 8 years now.

and right up ahead, there's a cop about to turn the same way i'm going, and i'm too close to slow down and let him go. now is the time i am kicking myself for buying a cop-magnet sports car. there is nowhere to turn off except a small low-income project... which would immediately scream "pull me over."

the cop turns and speeds up, and we get to a stop sign. here come the blue lights... and here comes FRAMES. i started laughing uncontrollably, because of the irony of driving illegally for one reason or another for 2 years, and then getting pulled RIGHT when i'm about to fix everything, and on top of that i've got fucking frames and this song is AMAZING. there's nowhere to pull over, there are 2 giant cable trucks in front of me, and i'm wondering if the cop can see my antlers.

and then, an angel of mercy took pity on my stoned ass and the cop drove up onto the curb, hauled ass to the stop sign, and went on down the road.

but it sure killed my buzz :(


Active Member
Damn. Something sorta like that happened to me once, except I wasnt high. I was naked. Id rather get pulled high than naked.


Well-Known Member
Frames & antlers,wtf are you trying to say,normally i can read between the lines with all the cool talk & get to the gist of the topic but the frames & antlers are a new one on me.


Active Member
hahahah... ok.

the best way i can describe frames is when you get so stoned that you see in stop-motion, like when you look around, it's like your mind just takes snapshots instead of video.

and antlers are from grandma's boy... i won't ruin the movie for you, it's the best 420 film ever, imho. but basically, you feel like you smoked so much of that african deer weed that you've grown antlers. :)