Instant resin/bud


Active Member
i noticed that a couple of the clones i put out to flower did not grow at all, but instead went right to producing resin and bud. the rest of them stretched and grew as normal, but these 2 decided to get all weird on me, despite being identical clones as all the others.

anyone have this happen to them before? why would some of them be normal and how would these produce resin and tiny little buds within the 1st week of bloom? these are 3rd generation and it hasnt happened before. wth?


Well-Known Member
me thinks that diff grow tips on diff levels of the mother plant offers diff vigor and hormons to cuttings

to goone squad: just my opinion please dont attack just voice yours

keep em green


Well-Known Member
it sorta makes sense dwez

op, this happens to mine when i reveg or monster crop. did you do this?


Active Member
I took clones from all over the moms. From top to bottom, leaving nothing behind. So what dwez said would seem to make sense.

As for it being a blessing. not really. They did not grow at all. So they are tiny and useless, since they got left behind on the stretch. it's a SOG and the others are now 3-4 times the size and blocking the light. that and the fact that the bud is useless and deformed. they rooted just fine, no more and no less than the others, but they just went right into instant flowering. no transition and no stretch whatsoever. never saw this before


Active Member
Did you clone from a plant on 12/12? Sounds like they are reverting to veg
they are producing bud and resin, not vegging. but to answer your question, no, i didnt clone from a plant on 12/12. i cloned from a few mothers that were all cloned from the same original mom