Instead Of Germinating


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can always do it that way, but it makes you waste the trouble of getting the pots ready for ones that don't sprout.


Well-Known Member
some have luck doing that, i personally like to sprout mine then plant them so i know i have a viable seed.



Well-Known Member
not sure what u mean? best way to germ seeds imo is to put them straight in soil ,rw, jiffy etc (if fresh reliable seed). It does take a couple days longer but there is no handling of sensitive cracked seed and this method is the way nature intended.

roger v

Put seeds in water for 24 hours.Good seeds will sink bad ones will float.Make ahole with a pencil half inch deep.Put one seed per hole after you put the seed in hole fill in with lite soil dont pack soil to tight . keep temps at 80 no lights nessery intill they come up.Keep misting with water make shure the first two inchs dont dry out.AND do not drench the soil.I like to start my in syrofoam cups poke holes with hot ice pick on sides and bottom.