Instructions on how to build?


Active Member
Does anyone have detailed instructions on building a hydro active system? Something in the 100+ plant range.

the key word being "detailed"



Well-Known Member
I know for a fact that there are several listed in the hydro section. If it's not the size you want, adjusting the size is the easy part.
I know I listed one in detail, and nongreenthumb did a nice one too.

PS, you may ant to pay attention to nongreenthumbs posts, as he knows hydro quite well.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Alright, here's a start to some detailed instructions for a 400-plant grow:

We'll add more as we need to.

First, get 400 plants.

Come back when that's done. :mrgreen:


Active Member
This is my first post and I have been thinking about growing from this type of system (10 plants & my first grow). I was wondering in this system if the plants have to be transplanted because of their root systems getting cramped or are they good to go?