Insulating Your Entire Grow... Radiant Barrier etc...


Well-Known Member
Has anyone actually bothered to do this... Im worried that the technology being used now may be able to spot HID lights as heat sources through roofs of buildings etc as they are using sophisticated equipment rented from power companies to check for heat... this effectively see's through the roof of your building and may be able to pick up an HID confirming a "grow op" in progress. At the moment i use lots and lots of loft insulation directly ontop of my tent to reduce the risk but im looking to build an entire "room within a room" in which to house my tents and im wondering where to start... - is a good read it seems heat transfer can be conductive, convective or radiant current pic, ideally looking to do this on top of all the tents but a room build would give me much more peace of mind:


Active Member
ull beat that shit in court if they kick in ur door cause of a flir save ur money worry about smell my man


Well-Known Member
dude try not to get caught up in this paranoid way of thinking its counterproductive
while there is some truth to what you are saying it is very much overplayed as a scare tactic which seems to work very well

before long you will start noticing helicopters following you , once that happens there is no turning back for you

hope all goes well
skunkd0c :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm, still looking into it - once this current grow is finished, i will look to re-evaluate everything, that's the thing though - once you start with this your mind comes up with all kinds of ideas ;) - knowledge is key. I've only been doing this a few years but i seem to be constantly learning and i am absolutely fascinated with the whole process from start to finish, maybe a bit O.C.D with it sometimes but i love it and want to minimize any associated risks. So again - if anyone has any good info on this topic i'd like to hear more...


Well-Known Member
I agree its a scare tactic to keep the sheeple in line; besides that I am sure there is a right to privacy (unlawful search and seizure or something like that) ...that's unless you live in the UK then you're just plain fucked the nanny state will get you for sure.
What ever helps you sleep at night Im all for it. Me personally when I built my room I insulated the ceiling with the thickest fiberglass insulation. than a 1 inch thick styrofoam sheeting. and last was the heat shield bubble wrap which is the same color as mylar. All can be purchased around town at your hardware shops. The main thing is exhausting that hot air so it cant build up and create heat spots on the roof. It looks alot more normal for hot air to be coming out of a exhaust pipe in your roof rather than a huge amount of your roof appearing hot. I agree with the smell thing as well exhaust air must be filtered.


Active Member
It wouldn't do a thing for my grow room cause my whole house has 1" foil faced foam installed under my siding. Installed it to keep the heat out in the summer and heat in during the winter. Long before I ever decided to grow. Doesn't matter anyways, cause I'm legal (with the state).

I do know a guy who has gone down several times (same location) and he said "The warrants where obtained after use of thermal imaging for probable cause". I would think they would have to already know your growing the for them to put this kind of energy into a stake out like this though. I'd worry more about smell, light leaking outside, and your acquaintances.


Well-Known Member
FLIR is more of a scare tactic than a real tool to catch growers. That said, they do find LARGE grows in this way. VERY occasionally a small grower vents his exhaust to the outside without hiding it somehow and gets caught (this is pretty rare). The important thing to remember is that FLIR cannot see through walls. If you only have a couple of lights and don't vent to the outside (without disguising it first), and your house is properly insulated, then your golden! I was a fireman for 15 years and was our in house FLIR expert/technician. The technology has serious limitations. Building a room inside of a room is definitely overkill, especially for a tent, but if it will make you feel more secure then go for it. Happy growing my friend!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey doc - glad to see you are still on the forums... Well its a 1 light grow (1x600w) at the moment in a tent 1 x Nirvana ICE grown in coco using the complete Advanced Nutrients line up - she is looking pretty good so far, just going into week 2. I grow in a... wait for it - appartment - which is not ideal, but, i can't afford to move at the moment I do vent to the outside but i muffle the air coming out with vents at the other side I would love to do a sealed room grow one day in my own property with a co2 burner, mini split a/c unit and vented hoods - that is my ultimate goal... but like anything in life, i wont be able to afford that without some hard work.


ha this is pretty funny you remind me of myself with some of the stuff you say. I insulated my room.. helps keep stable temps. If your illegal.. I say there is never too much safety. When I was growing in NY, I was paranoid as fuck. At first it was nothing, but as time kept on.. I didn't realize how paranoid I was getting. I lived in an Apt as well, and a couple times cops came pouring in with their lights on, I had freakin heart attacks every time, and every time it was for someone else not me..

Im in AZ now legal and it's insane how different everything is. It's great peace of mind knowing nothing matters, cops can come see my grow if they want, all is well..


Well-Known Member
I grow in my gerage so I use it on all my windows and gerage doors. They can see from the roof and from the walls. But if your not growing way to much it's nothing to worry about. If I redo my rooms agine I'm going to use it everywhere. It helps keep the cold out. But keeps heat in so A/C is running.


Active Member
You should see the case of Kyllo v United States. The outcome was that using thermal imaging against citizens homes is unconstitutional and police departments have since stopped because it's an expensive waste of equipment for something that is useless in court. You don't have to worry about helicopters or police driving down the street looking at houses any more but you don't want to be melting snow on your roof or doing anything out of the ordinary for a typical citizen in your area. Even though they aren't aggressively deploying FLIR equipment and using it for convictions, a pilot on a patrol might spot something and ground officers might dig around to see if they can find anything else they can use to get a warrant. I'd eliminate everything that the average meter checker or neighbour can detect (or vengeful ex) before worrying about thermal signatures.