Some heated topic this one is. fire! watch out!
Im in the finding insurance boat also.... and I have!

I have insurance with The Guarantee for "high risk/special" insurance as I own a rhd car. There are few companies in my province that will insure me because of this. 4 to be exact.
I have been told by my broker that my regular (not super expensive) house insurance covers my 4 "rec" plants...I do not even have to tell them as it is what is allowed by government rule. I asked to inquire about my medical limit since it goes over 4. My broker just got back to me and said "license will state how many plants you are allowed to have. In the case your limit supersedes the limit outlined below (4 plants).
Nothing needs to be added to my home insurance, i didnt even need to notify them. The only thing that they require? owner must be 19+ yrs old, personal use only, equipment must be purchased from a cannabis supplier (retail or wholesale)
I hope this helps some of you. Maybe ask your brokers to speak to this company. My only problem with them, they are a bit...slow.
Note; your company may have a different opinion. If something were to happen im sure you COULD fight it, that would be one hell of a fight. my hat is off to anyone who challenges that one.
edit: the plants are insured until they are harvested and the equipment falls under my content insurance.