Intelligent New Grower in Need of a little Help

Hey everyone, I have a question on a setup a friend of mine has going on. I have been taking care of them for him because hes not always home, regardless, I have a small prob.

Please bare with me, i am going to explain the entire operation.

- x2, 23 watt 1600lumen daylight cfls
- fox farms ocean and forest
- 2 dank bagseed
- 19/5 light cycle

The two dank bagseeds were first put into a single pot of MG organic choice soil (size was equivilent to about 1-2 cups of soil). They they both sprouted nicely and reached a height of 3-4 inches above soil. Had the small round leaves on bottom, and the first set of actually leaves (fan leaves?), and the next set juuust started to peak out. At that point I also had seen a root or two at the bottom of the pot, so i decided to run to walmart to get more soil and pots. I bought MG organic choice "Potting MIX" instead of the soil due to the fact they did not have the same MG organic choice "soil" i was using. I also bout 2 pots that had some stupid looking contraption on the bottom, like a resivoir tray or something..

So i transferred them babies into the new mix and pots, and after about 3-4 days i noticed that they WERE NOT moving as smooth as before. And the bottom leaves were curling/drooping under and the top leaves were canoeing !!Prob found!!: Water build up in the pots because of the mix AND the pots with the resivoir tray. The 1st one survived barely because i fabricated the pots to ensure air and good drainage, but the 2nd died from root rot :(.. With only one left, I decided that i needed to do something quickly because these were my buddies only 2 dank seeds!!! SO i purchased some fox farm Ocean forest! When i put the only dank left into the FFOF, it loved it and the stem started getting nice and strong, BUT the lower fan leaves were turning cmpletely yellow (not the mention the tops were still growing decent and were green????). !!Prob found (or so i thought)!!: It was too cold in his basement and the soil was chilly when i touched it, which can result in N lockout and thats the symptoms it was giving. I moved them into a warmer location (BTW a fan had been running in the box since day one) and it improved but not all the way because even then the soil was still chilly...except this time it was because the fan was taking the temp down too much.

So one night of no fan and the lights 4 inches away... POOF, all the leaves above the yellow fan leaves perked up major! Left it like that another night and today the top leaves are looking good (even more growth) but all the tips are turning a lighter limish green? and one of the most top ones have a odd looking Blemish(?) on it? Its odd to me because they started to perk up and look nice and green and now the tips are doing changing...

all help on this topic is much appreciated, and any help on growing cfl indoor with foxfarm with be greatly appreciated too!! thanks all! :hump:



Well-Known Member
Looks like you are overwatering them, let the soil dry out before you water again. When they are young the roots like to breath and this is the time it is establishing a strong tap root and root system.

Young plants like to breath as much as they like to drink (quoted that from someone on RIU :))
I only water them when i stick my finger down into the soil about 2 inches and feel no water..any other possibilities for the light green tips/blemish thing on the one leaf? Or maybe its the FFOF soil that holds more water than i think? lemme kno :joint:


Well-Known Member
Honestly....I think your doing an awesome job of taking care of someone elses plants! If you want to babysit my plants and put them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest, I'm all for it! LMAO.
Seriously....The MG was no good for them at all. You probably saved its life by putting it in the FFOF. Some damage has been done that wont heal but not too bad. Keep an eye on the new growth, and give it a little time. Should be Ok.
mate i would create some sort of reflector to maximise the small amount of light you have. I made one and i did wonders for my plants!! A lot of the light is wasted otherwise in lighting up the rooms as oppose to giving your plants light.


Well-Known Member
also tap water has chlorine in it, thats the problem for your leaf tips, i wuddnt worry mate, u can leave the water out for a few days to dissipate the chlorine, they look over watered as described previously, also, are u measuring PH of water, the lights are also no good as u probaly know already, simple, good lighting, good air circulation, good PH'd water, good temps (important), good nutrients.....all u need, good luck