Intentional Hermie ???


Active Member
If you have a female plant in flower and you want pollen from it for seed production, can you intentionally hermie a branch of it?

If you slide one branch through a small hole in a cardboard box;
and that box has a light source in it to stress the branch in flower;
and insuring that no light leaks through the box from where the branch goes through;
and intentionally stress just that part of the plant;
will just that part of the branch hermie or will the entire plant hermie?

I know that hermie pollen makes hermies, this is just a hypothetical question. Thanks, S


Active Member
Yeah, they do it all the time with silver nitrate to produce female seeds.

I was just wondering about the hormone production spreading throughout the entire plant or just staying localized to the affected area. Thanks, S


Active Member
You can use colloidal silver on selected branches, those selected branches will begin to make male flowers (with all-female pollen) but the rest of the plant will remain normal.
Seen it done. Know it works. :)


Active Member
Colloidal silver, yeah, I knew it was silver something, thanks.

But... if light leaks will hermie a female and cause bananas, will light on a selected branch do the same thing without changing the whole plant? Thanks, S


Active Member
Its possible I suppose, I've heard of peeps sexing plants by doing the opposite, aka putting a bag over one branch to force that branch to show its privates... Why don't you try it on one branch and see what happens? I know I'd be interested to see the results.


Active Member
I think I will. Now I'm thinking about a Velcro bag system hanging off the equipment and using a battery powered LED light inside the bag to do the stressing. Hmmmmmm evil botany science…..