Interesting story about my day...

So today started out like any high day, I got high before school and enjoyed the first couple of hours. Then during my lunch time my friend says lets go smoke a blunt. The four of us go and smoke a blunt and bowl out while driving in my friends car. As we are coming back from smoking we go to the school entrance and this kid lets us in. There so happens to be two teachers right there and tell us to go get a pass and sign in. Right as that happens a "vice principal" walks past and escorts us there. He was writing us a truancy warning ticket so if we ever do it again, we have to pay. They search us, find nothing but joint papers.(he also had weed and a piece on him, but hid it in his crotch) The school cop then comes in and says it smells like weed. He interviews all of us and I'm the last one. I go in there and he says all you have to do is tell the truth. Your friends all confessed to smoking and I promised not to arrest anyone. I say "I didn't smoke or see anything." I stick to my story and he gets really irritated. He threatens to arrest all of us for "being in the car of possesion of narcotics" and I will ruin it for all of them. Knowing that I'm the last one, I expect they did admit to smoking so I said I had a couple hits. I end up getting a suspension from school and might get expelled.. I can't really tell what my friends told him cause I don't know.. I think one of them said they smoked, but I don't know. I have a question, what would you have done and isn't that some bullshit?!
Not really. My friends also told me that the cop told him the same story and admitted it too. So it's not a big deal. I didn't get arrested or a ticket, so I'm fine. I just needed to rant.


Deny it to the end. You just screwed your friends over and yourself.
^ He's right cops will lie and pretend to be your friend or say they're doing you a favor.

They're not and are just trying to get a confession out of you. I'm going to assume you're a minor; was there an adult there when you were being questioned?


Well-Known Member
for future references dont say a word to the cops just go on about your lifes and ignore him if your not under arrest.
Yeah Ik i sorta f'd up. No there wasn't anyone when he questioned me. And they had no cosent to search us before the cop came in. They said since we left school grounds??? Dumbass people.


Well-Known Member
I think if your a minor then they dont need consent but im not sure.
You's did fuck yourselves lol.My friend admitted being high in school once and they made him take 7 NA classes that cost 60 a piece if he wanted to be allowed back in school.
He payed it to lol.
You could of probably got off free to if you just said you didn't smoke shit lol and let the dumbasses that admitted it deal with the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
man that exact same thing happened to me, i was denying it and they were getting really mad and said my buddys had already told him ( Which he did i didn't know this at the time) and if i didnt admit he would phone the cops and i had a little .3 of bud on me so i just said yeah i took 1 hit and i got suspended for a day and a half lol