Intermatic Timer


I have a feeling I'm going to look like an idiot for posting this but I can't figure this thing out. I got a new timer, Intermatic. It says its Heavy Duty and used for like pool pumps and stuff like that. Outdoor use. Well I hooked it up last night and went down early this morning to see if it had worked and nothing. I had a cheaper timer that didn't seem to work with my Lumatek ballast either so I assumed it was the same problem. I brought upstairs to try it with some other plug in things and the timer part doesn't even seem to be running. Do you have to turn it on or something? It seems like you should be able to hear something working on the inside when you listen to it but nothing. Any thoughts? Bad timer?


Well-Known Member
If you know that the unit has power going to it, but there is no output or the time doesn't change, then you have a bad timer. You should have a manual on switch on the timer. Try that, and if it still doesn't work it is definitely bad. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yes possibly, is it digital or mechanical? There should be a manual on switch, have you tried that? Seems odd that if new its not working. It is the proper voltage right? Some pool pumps are 230v.


It's mechanical. It will turn things on manually but the rotating timer piece doesn't seem to rotate, I left my cell phone charger on it for a while and put the trip switch right up against the switch and it hasn't seemed to move in a long time. It says its 120v which is what my ballast is. 15 Amp (1800 watts) resistive, 15 Amp (1800 watts) tungsten. I don't know what the tungsten part means. My ballast is a 400w Lumatek.


Well-Known Member
I would say broken. If anything touches my dial it will stop. Also i never run my light directly from timer. I use it to operate a contactor, its easier on timers.


Well-Known Member
Like Jim said, make sure the internal power is hooked up correctly. Here is a wiring digram, the black represents your Hot leg, white is your Neutral leg and yellow is your ground.



Well-Known Member
Sorry guys never dawned on me that it was a time clock (thats what they are referred to in my trade). You will be able to hear the clock (faint buzz) and you most likely have line and load reversed, clock doesn't get power. Christ i deal with them every day lol. Use em for timed defrost on some freezers.


Maybe I'm the one screwing this up. The brand name on my timer is Intermatic. I see a lot of people recommending intermatics and I just assumed it was the kind I had. From the looks of things, I was misinterpreting the type of timer everyone was talking about.


Well-Known Member
No, its not your fault lol. Should have asked for a pic or discription. Anyhoo, if it is a plug in style with no wiring involved then most likely its broke. I have had lots of issues with timers (could have been cheap crap) but finally run all lights off of contactors and have never had an issue since. And still use cheap crap timers, lol.