International Oddities a.k.a. Legal Weed Does It Work?


Well-Known Member
i was at a head shop in America and they were selling this "legal bud" by International Oddities but the owner couldn't tell me what it does because of legal reasons. and i'm sure you've seen the advertisements in cannabis magazines they're every where. Anyways does it work or what the hell does it do, because its not Salvia

heres the website if you want to visit it

i just don't want to waste my money if it doesn't do anything


New Member
Yeah i was reading an article on this stuff. Bassically the makers of this "legal bud" don't let you know what it is because they want to keep you curious without telling you it dosn't do anything. It dosn't get you high, some people say it makes them get a headache. Ive also heard of some people mixxing it with their weed to give it a different better taste. Basically it dosn't get you high so don't buy it.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to try it, just to see. I just don't wanna waste the money for nothin. You should buy it and tell us how it is! :D


Well-Known Member
WAIT STOP!!!!!! I ordered that before...i want my money back...but i should have wont make you high you will only feel gross in the end, so dont waste your time...might get a better enjoyment out of flushing the cash and seeing if lincoln can beat washington down the urinal.....


its made from Hemp flowers which contains little to no thc

it is NOT made of hemp flowers..... dont know what it is made of though:dunce:... i've bought several of their products, and have came to the conclusion that anything from international oddities is absolute shit. Thier products are worthless, many taste like ass, and one gave me chest pains for a few days. do some research, there are several herbs that you can smoke for a buzz.... and they can be bought for around $4 an oz


Pure crap, just a bunch of random buds from legal flowers and it does nothing but leave nasty aftertaste and give you headaches.
If you want legal high (actually more of a trip) try Salvia Divinorum.


Well-Known Member
Didn't they smoke that crap while filming half baked? I thought I read an interview that said they smoked tons of it for the movie and it gave them nothing but headaches.


Well-Known Member
NOOOOOO!!! STAY AWAY!!! if ur lookin for a rippin bad headache go for it. That shit sucks bad. The only one that didnt really make me feel like my head was gonna explode was the rosta gold. Other than that its all crap and a waste of money. Go buy some spice and ull have a better time