Internet phenomenon

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
RIU is exploding at the seams.... not sure if you guys have noticed...

It is getting huge... so many new members.... and it so many new cool people.... even with the massive growth, the site is attracting and maintaining great people...



Well-Known Member
It's crazy how many people have joined since I came here in Oct... It was a fairly small community then.


Well-Known Member
with great power comes great responsibility, with every new member we become stronger. The more strength we gather the more our enemies will gather, stay responsible, stay true to your objections to the oppressive laws that they unjustly impose upon us. We will never rest. whether they legalize marijuana or not we will always have it, we will always get it, we will always smoke it and we will always fight for our rights as free men against these oppressive policies of the special interests and the ignorent and thier respective turd lickers.

They are unamerican, they are the unjust in thier actions, we are freeman, adults who demand liberty as dictated and endowd to us by our creation.

All poeple on the other side who dont agree with these prohibitionist policies should come with us secretly untill all clubs, buros and agencies are filled with patriotic american freemen. who oppose hypocritical judgements against any group targeted and infringed upon by power hungry & the self appointed moral dictators.

This is America we are freeman. Wherether you jail us, whether you antimidate us, wether you demean us, whether you impose fear upon us. we will never waver, you will never stop us. Even if you use our own money against us, we will always be free, even if you kill us.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
They are unamerican, they are the unjust in thier actions, we are freeman, adults who demand liberty as dictated and endowd to us by our creation.

just to clarify...

I am not an american ... well... not in my mind... in my mind I am more like an "Earthling" or a "Universairian" I am no more dedicated or loving to an "american" than i am an "iraqi" or a Norwaynian" ... it's just people to me...

I also am not an adult.... I see adults as people who are FAKE and pretend to have grown up.. I may be splitting hairs here... but as I get older i see people TRYING to act like adults and be mature... and all I see is insincere fake ass attempts and mimicking what they think is appropriate... well fook that....

I was always NICE as a child.... and it always felt good.... that is how I want to stay...


BTW - nice painting of washington and the horse


Well-Known Member
just to clarify...

I am not an american ... well... not in my mind... in my mind I am more like an "Earthling" or a "Universairian" I am no more dedicated or loving to an "american" than i am an "iraqi" or a Norwaynian" ... it's just people to me...

I also am not an adult.... I see adults as people who are FAKE and pretend to have grown up.. I may be splitting hairs here... but as I get older i see people TRYING to act like adults and be mature... and all I see is insincere fake ass attempts and mimicking what they think is appropriate... well fook that....

I was always NICE as a child.... and it always felt good.... that is how I want to stay...


BTW - nice painting of washington and the horse

I feel what your saying,

for me I like being part of a club or group, to say im part of the world group or universe is too encombessing for me, i like to narrow it down because there are people and things in the world I am against,

I like to have somthin to fight against, an enemy if you will. Really the word is "Competition" this releases me to do what I was made for. Be the right hand to the leader of the struggle of my choosing. As for me I can be leader but I would prefer being the first mate.

My ideal would be to be a thomas jefferson type

lets let washington do the heavy lifting:mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I feel what your saying,

for me I like being part of a club or group, to say im part of the world group or universe is too encombessing for me, i like to narrow it down because there are people and things in the world I am against,

I like to have somthin to fight against, an enemy if you will. Really the word is "Competition" this releases me to do what I was made for. Be the right hand to the leader of the struggle of my choosing. As for me I can be leader but I would prefer being the first mate.

My ideal would be to be a thomas jefferson type

lets let washington do the heavy lifting:mrgreen:

nicely said mr. jefferson :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
just to clarify...

I am not an american ... well... not in my mind... in my mind I am more like an "Earthling" or a "Universairian" I am no more dedicated or loving to an "american" than i am an "iraqi" or a Norwaynian" ... it's just people to me...

I also am not an adult.... I see adults as people who are FAKE and pretend to have grown up.. I may be splitting hairs here... but as I get older i see people TRYING to act like adults and be mature... and all I see is insincere fake ass attempts and mimicking what they think is appropriate... well fook that....

I was always NICE as a child.... and it always felt good.... that is how I want to stay...


BTW - nice painting of washington and the horse
Thats just society for ya. Some of the shit human beings worry about these days is ridiculous. You just have to exist in society and outside of it. In the bigger picture none of this nonsense they worry about matters.


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I was a member of OverGrow, and loved it there, but somehow it was shut down. Then i stopped using forums for a while because i couldnt find a forum that could match up. Now there are a few, and it is awesome! This place has a great community. I hope it continues to grow exponentially.

heres ICmag, international canagraphic forums. pretty close to this!
too bad they cant combine
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