internode space and height on sativas! help!

I've got 3 chocolopes going under 600 watt hps with 2 northern lights and a white widdow. this is second week of flower and I'm feeding b-52, voodoo juice, big bud, bud candy, cargo load, sense bloom a+b, and budswel. the chocolopes are just growing way to tall & skinny, they have giant internode space and i just came seem to get any results. could trimming lower branches in veg make it grow taller and space out?? all the other plants are already hairing about to bud and have little internode space, not much growth upward just lost of pistol production from them. Im just wondering if i should not grow sativas anymore if i am looking for smaller denser plants. also if anyone has any suggestions of small dense strains and what company to get them from, i would greatly appreciate it.
thank a ton, getting fluffy
What's up dude I just had some blue dream a while back same shit man you probably vetted your plants to long I'd veg for 3 weeks maybe 4 because your plan still going o grow on your 12 and 12. You might have had your lights to high and they were gust reaching for the light.I'd lst it try to tie it down if possible. I'd scrog with those sativa strains. Hope all is well bra


Well-Known Member
Let the seedlings get a little rootbound early in their life and the plant will "bushy up".
A rootbound plant in a small pot will grow the only way it has room - out. As in bushy.
Leave her in the solo cup an extra 3-4 days, or as I do, TP to 4-inch pots for 2 weeks.



Active Member
The problem with Sativas is they are equatorial in nature and the equatorial belt has the most consistent strength and length of daylight.

This means that Sativas thrive off the strongest source of light possible and they usually have a long flowering period (up to and around 120 days). Most Sativas like to stretch around 3X their height on average from the start of flowering so If you put a plant that is 12" in height into flowering, it will finish off at around 4' or more.

EDIT: I will also point out that your 600W will give your plants moderate stretching and semi dense buds. 1000W HID or more would be optimal.


Well-Known Member
Tie the ends of all the high tips (including the main) and pull them down. Tie it to a cable you've secured at the base.
Over the next 2 weeks, as the underside of each branch twsts and grows up, you will need to guide the branches.
When you are done, you will end up with a short bush with MANY colas.

You may need to do it a couple of time while growing.
What's up dude I just had some blue dream a while back same shit man you probably vetted your plants to long I'd veg for 3 weeks maybe 4 because your plan still going o grow on your 12 and 12. You might have had your lights to high and they were gust reaching for the light.I'd lst it try to tie it down if possible. I'd scrog with those sativa strains. Hope all is well bra
yeah i was kinda thinking that i should start the flower sooner and also reduce my pot sizes. I was thinking sprout for 5 days then do 4 week veg. I'm also running 7 gal pots right now and i think i should be doing 5 gal pots max. I grew some blue dream this last season and had amazing results, just fat colas. These chocolopes are a mean strain to grow though, the light is within good range and they still keep stretching up. I think a restraint method for next season will be a must and maybe a bigger light!!
thnk for the advice, always helps!